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Ficha de Projeto - INDuGRID



Designação do projeto: INDuGRID - Gestão Eficiente de energia em microrredes industriais com elevada penetração de tecnologia fotovoltaica

Entidade beneficiária: Instituto Politécnico de Tomar

Data de início: 01/09/2016
Data de fim: 31/12/2019

Financiamento FCT – componente OE: 53.860,00€

Objectives:  The main objective of this project (ERANETLAC0006/2014) - INDuGRID - is the coordination and concretization of some tasks embraced in the international project (ELAC2014/ESE0034). Globally, the main objective aims the introduction of solutions to the improvement of energy efficiency in industrial environments using intelligent electrical microgrids with high penetration of PV technology. This general goal is divided in the specific objectives: O1) To design architectures of electrical microgrids for small and medium size industries including power components, PV generators, energy storage systems, and smart metering and communication infrastructures. O2) To develop protocols for efficient energy management in industrial microgrids taking special attention to the concept of zero net energy industries. O3) To develop tools to operate industrial microgrids autonomously while exploiting locally PV production and storage capacity. O4) To introduce innovative tools for improving the power quality in industrial microgrids including amplitude deviations, voltage imbalance and harmonics. Initially, in the project proposal, the tasks under the responsibility of the IPT were four. However, due to the lags in the start of work between all the partners of the consortium (projects of the partners approved at very different timings) it was necessary to make adjustments in the distribution of tasks of the partners. Thus, in the first coordination meeting of the international project, held on June 13, 2016, undercoordination of prof. Miguel Castilla, it was decided that the IPT team would be responsible for the 3 tasks T1.1, T2.2 and T3.3 that are inserted in objectives O1, O2 and O3, respectively (Annex 1). Where the contents of this tasks are: - T1.1, Evaluating architectures of industrial microgrids; - T2.2, Protocols for guaranteeing zero net energy industries; - T3.3, Cooperation between cluster of autonomous microgrids. The responsibility for preparing the report related to task T1.3 "Dimensioning of the energy storage systems" passed on to the UNSJ partner in Argentina (due to the referred adjustments made). Despite the defined adjustments, the partners of the INDuGRID consortium collaborated, as articulate as possible, in the tasks in which they are involved, with a view to the success of the global project. The IPT group collaborated with other team groups UPC, UNSJ, INESCTEC and Waira.

Activities performed: The IPT partner was responsible for the work coordination and realization of the 3 tasks T1.1, T2.2 and T3.3. IPT team delivered 3 reports related to those tasks (T1.1, T2.2 and T3.3). The realization of the task T1.1 took place in the first 12 months of the project. The report of the task T1.1 was prepared and delivered. The IPT team developed the work associated with the task T2.2 on the definition of zero net energy protocols in industrial microgrids. Thus, the report of this task was prepared and delivered. The IPT team worked on the task T3.3 relating to the cooperation of multiple industrial microgrids, delivering the respective technical report. During the project, research, investigation, validation and production of reports and scientific articles presented at conferences and published in specialized newspapers were developed. This group organized and held 3 Seminars related to the work carried out in each of the tasks. More work was done as indicated in FCT deliverable reports.

Goals achieved: The objectives were hit and overcome. The work done in each of the tasks allowed to achieve: - T1.1, the architectures for industrial microgrids were evaluated, pointing out the best implementation approaches. - In T2.2 the subjects of net zero energy were studied and evaluation models developed for industrial buildings. As a corollary, a protocol was defined for this purpose. - Finally, in T2.2, cooperation approaches between cluster of autonomous microgrids were studied and models based on market mechanisms were developed. The following have been published: 1 book; 5 articles in international journals; 7 papers in international scientific meetings; 10 papers in national scientific meetings; 4 master's theses.

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