Natural Hazards Research Center, NHRC.ipt
3rd International Conference on Ecohydrology, Soil and Climate Change, EcoHCC'14
The conference will be held in Tomar - Portugal, from 10 to 12 September 2014.
The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers in the areas of Climate, Ecohydrology, Soils, Geo-Statistics with the aim of sharing experiences and promoting the integration of these themes as a multidisciplinary framework.
The conference will mainly focus on a number of topics:
- Water resources and management;
- Water quality and hydrobiology;
- Environmental policies and social impacts;
- Operational and dynamical hydrology. Ecohydrology;
- Soil degradation and soil quality. Soil function and land use;
- Earth System Science, climate change and extreme events;
- Techniques and approaches in geosciences: biostatistics, remote sensing, GIS and modelling.
1st phase submission: The publication of the abstract book will have ISBN. Abstracts submission until July 20th, 2014. For further details please see Register
2nd phase submission: A Special issue of PCE - Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (Elsevier Journal) will be devoted to the publication of the papers actually presented at the Conference. Participants will also have the opportunity to submit manuscripts to the Journal of Water Resources (please see Proceedings). Submissions between September 15th, 2014 and February 28th, 2015.
The format of this meeting will involve plenary sessions (please see Invited Speakers), special sessions (please see Contributed Speakers) and parallel sessions (please see Contributed Speakers).
Each invited speaker will have allocated 45 minutes and each contributed speak 15 minutes.
Participants will have the opportunity to attend (pre-registration mandatory) to two short workshops on Geostatistics and Geographical modelling of natural resources using GIS (please see Short Workshops).