Publication in the Diário da República: Aviso n.º 23177/2023 de 30/11/2023
6 ECTS; 1º Ano, Anual, 70,0 T , Cód. 66599.
- Carlos Alberto Moisés Bento (1)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
The aim is to equip students with knowledge and practices that materialise into skills for participating in the production of a show, especially one linked to the performing arts. The aim of this course is to enable students to: understand the importance of shows in socio-economic terms, and how they fit into the dynamics of events; identify the relationship between all those involved in planning a show, namely pre-production, production and post-production; and interpret basic concepts associated with the areas of logistics, human resources and finance; acquire the skills to advise/participate in the production of a show.
A special focus will be placed on events that respect all the SDGs defended and presented in the 2030 Agenda, in order to encourage their importance and dissemination throughout the community.
Programme contents:
1 - Definition and classification of a show
2 - Types of Show
3 - Technical and artistic roles in shows
3.1 - Technical teams and artists' teams
4 - The concept, tasks and competences of the producer
4 - Stages in the production of artistic shows
4.1 - Logistical, financial and human management
4.2 - Pre-production, production and post-production
5 - Communication strategies for artistic events
6 - Case studies: Festival Bons Sons
7 - Case study: Tomar Jazz Festival
Evaluation Methodology
Assessment methodology:
The assessment will be made up of different elements that together contribute to the final grade. The first piece of individual practical work, which accounts for 20 per cent of the assessment, will be accompanied by its presentation, which will also have a weight of 15 per cent. The second practical assignment, also individual, will count for 25 per cent of the final grade, with its presentation worth 15 per cent. Participation and work carried out throughout the semester will be assessed in report format and will make up 25% of the total grade.
Exam assessment:
- Practical work to be carried out in the respective period (100%)
Assessment during the Appeal period:
- Practical work to be carried out in the respective period (100%)
Students pass when they obtain a final mark of 10 or more (out of 20).
- Fernandes, D. (2017). Plano de negócio de uma produtora de eventos: evento" It's happenning". ISCT: (Doctoral dissertation)
- Morais, G. (2015). Produção e Comunicação Cultural . UBI: (Doctoral dissertation)
- Pires, P. (2016). Manual de produção das artes do espetáculo . ESMAE: (Doctoral dissertation)
Teaching Method
Teaching method:
Lectures to provide a theoretical and conceptual framework. Theoretical-practical classes aimed at
creation, evaluation of case studies, reading of documents and discussion of the reality presented as well as the evaluation of exampl
Software used in class