Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 2435/2023 de 17/02/2023
6 ECTS; 2º Ano, 2º Semestre, 60,0 S + 5,0 OT , Cód. 964575.
- Ana Rita de Sousa Gaspar Vieira (1)(2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
a) Develop and deepen the knowledge that crosses the practice of Photography with other artistic disciplines; contributing, on the one hand, to an understanding of photography as part of a broader cultural process and, on the other, the phenomena of multiculturalism and hybridity characteristic of contemporary thought;
b) Intensify the relationship between the work and the context, be it the context of production or that of visibility;
c) Provide analysis instruments adapted to a reflection on the practice of photography in a broad and inclusive sense in relation to other artistic disciplines, so that students can build a written, articulate, solid and personal discourse having as a starting point a referent personal imagery or that of others.
1. Approaches to a definition of operational fields, concepts, actions and methodologies, taking the production side as a starting point, contributing to the construction of an artistic praxis in a multicultural and hybrid territory;
2. Contextual art. The relationship between the artist and otherness - from the private place to the space of visibility. The development of a critical and operational awareness of the implications of the productive act at the moment of visibility and vice-versa, in contemporary artistic practice;
3. Contemporary art in general and photography practice in particular. The multiple directions and conceptual contingencies of both, namely hybridism, the juxtaposition of mediums, images and text and image.
Evaluation Methodology
1. Continuous assessment (30%);
2. Presentation, defense and discussion of theoretical and practical works (70%);
3. Students with a classification equal to or greater than 10 are exempt from the exam;
4. In an exam situation, the same practical work will be requested as in the context of continuous assessment (80%) and a supplementary exercise proposed for the exam situation (20%);
5. The assessment is carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 11 of the IPT Academic Regulations for Schools;
- ARDENNE, P. (2006). Un Arte Contextual Creación artística em médio urbano, em situación, de intervención, de participación. (Vol. 1). Murcia: Cendeac
- BOURRIAUD, . (2009). Estética relacional. . (Vol. 1). São Paulo: Martins Fontes
- DE OLIVEIRA; OXLEY; PETRY, N. (2000). Installation art. (Vol. 1). London: Thames & Hudson Ltd
- ODOHERTY, B. (2007). Studio and cube On the relationship between where art is made and where art is displayed. (Vol. 1). New York: Columbia University : Columbia University
Teaching Method
1. Theoretical classes of oral exposition and debates with the critical discussion of practical examples, presented using images and through the analysis of texts;
2. Individual and group presentations.
Software used in class