Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 10366/2022 - 24/08/2022 (Parceria ESTT/ESAI) + Despacho n.º 3227/2025, de 12/03/2025
5 ECTS; 3º Ano, Anual, 50,0 TP , Cód. 908967.
- Cristina Margarida Rodrigues Costa (1)(2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Students should become familiar with the common construction techniques in resistant masonry, timber roofs and pavements; distinguish between resistant masonry buildings with rigid and flexible pavements; understand the defects that affect this type of structures and the techniques to reinforce them; acquire the skills to apply previous knowledge of structural engineering and applicable regulations (EC1, EC5, EC6 e EC8) for the design of this structures.
1. Masonry structures: Types and performance of structural systems. Physical and mechanical properties of materials. Design for ultimate limit states. Global stability of masonry structures. Serviceability limit states. Constructive details. Structural defects and reinforcement techniques.
2. Wood structures: Types and performance of structural systems. Physical and mechanical properties of materials. Design for ultimate limit states. Structural connections. Serviceability limit states. Constructive details. Structural defects and reinforcement techniques.
Evaluation Methodology
CONTINUOUS EVALUATION (frequency evaluation period):
Includes two components:
- Two written tests (PE1+PE2), each rated for 20 points, with a weight of 40% in the final classification, both carried out during the contact period on a date to be defined with the students.
- A practical work component (TP), rated for 20 points, with a weight of 20% in the final classification, carried out during the contact period and delivered on a date to be defined with the students.
The final classification (CF) results from the weighted sum of the two components:
Students who obtain a final classification equal to or greater than 9.5 (out of 20 points) are approved.
Includes one or two components:
- A written test (PE) component, rated at 20 points.
- An optional component of practical work (TP), rated for 20 points, carried out during the contact period and delivered on a date to be defined with the students.
The final classification (CF), for students who complete both assessment components, results from the weighted sum of the two components: CF=0.8xPE+0.2xTP.
The final classification (CF), for students who take only the written test assessment component, corresponds to the written test classification: CF=PE.
Students who obtain a final classification equal to or greater than 9.5 points (out of 20 points) are approved.
- , . e Hendry, A. (2004). Design of masonry structures. UK: Taylor & Francis
- Faria, A. e Negrão, J. (2009). Projecto de Estruturas de Madeira. : Publindústria
- Freitas, V. (2012). Manual de apoio ao projecto de reabilitação de edifícios antigos. : OERN
- Lourenço, P. (2008). Manual de Dimensionamento Estrutural. cBloco. PT: APICER
- Machado, J. (2009). Avaliação, Conservação e Reforço de Estruturas e Madeira. : Verlag Dashöfer
- Vários Autores, . Regulamentos: EC1, EC5, EC6 e EC8.. -: Várias
Teaching Method
Theoretical-practical lessons include presentation of theoretical considerations and discussion of practical issues. Practical lessons include tasks such as analysis and dimensioning of real-world examples.
Software used in class