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Tecnologia no Desporto

Exercise Physiology

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Publication in the Diário da República: Aviso n.º 10753/2023 de 01/06/2023

5 ECTS; 1º Ano, 2º Semestre, 52,50 TP , Cód. 65899.

- Rafael Oliveira (1)(2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona

Basic knowledge of biology

- Knowledge: Develop a general knowledge of the applications of Exercise Physiology to physical and sporting activities, Know and explain the specificities of chronic and acute physiological adaptations to effort depending on age; Know the adaptive processes and fatigue mechanisms; Know the mechanisms and biological limits of human adaptability and trainability; Describe aerobic and anaerobic metabolic processes; Know the main ventilatory, cardiorespiratory, hemodynamic, neuromuscular and neurohormonal adaptations during one or more sessions of physical activity. –Skills: a) Evaluate and interpret energy pathways, hemodynamic, cardiac and ventilatory parameters, the anaerobic threshold due to lactatemia and functional capacities; Control and evaluate the general characteristics of exercises, through oxygen consumption, heart rate, blood pressure and subjective perceived exertion scale; Ability to control the physiological principles involved in cardiovascular and neuromuscular adaptations.

A - Concepts of stimulus and adaptation
a) Control and analysis of adaptive processes
b) Concept of adaptation, homeostasis and heterostasis
c) Notion of stimulus as functional load
d) Characteristics of the stimulus
e) Stimulus and adaptation relationship
f) General Stress Adaptation Syndrome
B – Bioenergetics - General notions of bioenergetics
a) Direct and indirect calorimetry
b) Energy metabolism at skeletal muscle level
c) Anaerobic alactic process
d) Anaerobic lactic process
e) Aerobic process
f) Metabolic adaptations: increase in reserves and enzymatic activity
g) Cost and energy expenditure and quantification parameters
C – Lung adaptations - Effects of physical activity on:
a) Ventilatory function
b) Lung volumes and capacities
c) Ventilation/perfusion relationship
d) Understanding of maximum oxygen consumption and peak oxygen consumption
e) Ventilatory anaerobic threshold
f) Anaerobic threshold due to lactatemia
g) Respiratory quotient
h) Respiratory equivalents
D – Cardiovascular adaptations - Effects of physical activity on:
a) Cardiac muscle function
b) Cardiac output, heart rate and systolic volume, diastolic volume, systolic and end-diastolic volume, ejection fraction
c) Systolic, diastolic, mean and differential blood pressure
d) Peripheral vascular resistance
e) Cardiovascular adaptations in different types of physical activity
E – Muscle adaptations
a) Nervous, muscular and mechanical factors
b) Types of manifestation of force (maximum force, rapid force, resistance force). Stretching-shortening muscle cycle.
c) Specificity and overload - Neuromuscular forms of adaptation: improvement of coordinative processes, muscle remodeling and hypertrophy
d) Energy reserves for muscular work, carbohydrate and lipid source. Role of proteins, catabolism and protein anabolism in hypertrophic adaptation.
F – Introduction to the study of fatigue
e) Conceptual definition; different types of fatigue; prevention and early diagnosis
f) Overtraining, “overuse” and injury
G – Ergometry
a) Conceptual delimitation.
b) Determination of maximum oxygen consumption: laboratory and field tests; direct and indirect evidence.
H – Endocrine adaptations, thermoregulation, water and electrolyte balance during physical activity
a) Endocrine regulation functions in stressful situations
b) Thermoregulation in physical practice:
I. Heat exchange mechanisms with wrapping
II. Volemia and water content in tissues and body fluids
c) Dehydration and hydration during exertion
d) Loss of fluids and sports performance

Evaluation Methodology
Continuous assessment regime: 1 written test carried out on the Moodle platform and presentation of thematic work, with a rating equal to or greater than 9.5 in each of the assessments. Final classification= arithmetic average of the 2 evaluation elements.
In the final assessment regime (normal, appeal or special period) the assessment consists of: 1 oral test and 1 written test, with a minimum grade in each test of 9.5 points. The final classification is calculated by the formula =(oral test + written test)/2. Students in special situations: all assessment elements will be carried out on a date to be agreed with the student.

- ASEP, A. e , . (2016). ASEP's Exercise Medicine Text for Exercise Physiologists. USA: Bentham Science Publishers
- Brito, J. e E outros, E. (2018). Fisiologia do Exercício – Fichas de Prática Laboratorial.. Rio Maior, Portugal: Ed. Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior – Instituto Politécnico de Santarém
- McArdle, W. e Katch, I. e Katch , V. (2015). Essentials of Exercise Physiology. USA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins

Teaching Method
We seek to encourage participatory teaching, in which the student learns by participating and contributing to knowledge and is an active and critical subject in the learning process, stimulating their critical, creative and ethical thinking.

Software used in class
The curricular unit suggests the use of applications related to the measurement of physiological variables, such as: "first beat", "jumpster", "smartWODTimer", Polar Beat.




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