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Information Technology and Programming


The course program aims to train technicians with expertise in the fields of Information and Communication Technologies and Computer Engineering, focused on the increasing needs of virtualization and integration of communication and business processes in the organizations. Working either alone, either in project teams, in short, these technicians should design, produce and maintain computer software, design and implement database systems for organizational information systems, develop and implement Web services in support to services virtualization in the organizations and manage data networks according to active security policies.


DGES Registration No.: R/Cr 157.2/2015
DGES Registration Date: 12/10/2021
ECTS: 120
Location: Loures.


Analyze and code computational algorithms, aiming at the development of computer applications to support the most diverse data management and communication processes.

Develop and implement computer applications on different platforms and mobility levels, in contexts of organizational integration of data management and communication processes.

Design, develop, maintain and manage organizational databases.

Propose mechanisms for integrating databases and respective management and transaction processes in organizational information systems.

Propose virtualization mechanisms, via the Web, of communication processes in an organizational context, whether internal to the organization, between organizations, or between these and the respective customers or users.

Design and implement interfaces, via the Web, of communication processes in an organizational context, whether internal to the organization, between organizations, or between these and their customers or users.

Implement and develop Web services, in contexts of data integration and management processes and virtualization of communication processes, at the level of organizations.

Manage the installation and maintenance of networks and computer systems to support the different management areas of organizations

Implement and manage mobile-based services to support e-business and digital products.

Propose active security, authenticity and integrity policies for networks and computer systems to support the different management areas of organisations.

Participate in ICT project teams, in contexts of data integration and management processes, virtualization of communication processes and maintenance of the respective levels of security, authenticity and integrity, at the level of organizations

Professional Goals

Information technologies (IT) and information systems (IS) are areas with great capacity to create jobs in the coming years, in almost all sectors of company activities, mobilizing specialized groups of the active population. In the Middle Tagus region, the business fabric that survived the economic and financial crisis is investing in IS/IT, but faces a serious shortage of qualified human resources. This region is attracting IS/IT companies to the sphere of influence of the IPT, such as the hubs of the companies Softinsa (IBM group), CRITICAL Software and Sketchpixel Multimedia & Virtual Effects, which are installed on the IPT campus and who established protocols with this Institution, increasing the demand for these human resources. It should be noted that, as a result of the successful articulation between the CET TPSI and the Degree in Informatics Engineering at the IPT, some of the (former) IPT students work or have completed professional internships at the Poles of these companies. The offer of a TeSP course in TPSI aims to reinforce this articulation and provide greater quantity, quality and diversity of IT/IS technicians for the region.

Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 6191/2020 - 09/06/2020

Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
602430 Algoritmos ComputacionaisMatemática 2
602414 Arquitetura de Redes e Sistemas InformáticosCiências informáticas 5
60245 Arquitetura de Sistemas e ComputadoresCiências informáticas 5
602416 DatabasesCiências informáticas 8
60249 EnglishLínguas e literaturas estrangeiras 2
602429 EstatísticaEstatística 2
60241 MatemáticaMatemática 5
602431 Metodologia de Gestão de ProjetoEnquadramento na organização/empresa 2
60244 Programação ICiências informáticas 5
602413 Programming IICiências informáticas 6
602417 Programming IIICiências informáticas 5
602432 Projeto Integrado 1Ciências informáticas 2
60248 Tecnologias da InternetCiências informáticas 6
602420 Web ProgrammingCiências informáticas 5


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
602434 Gestão de Sistemas InformáticosCiências informáticas 6
602435 Programação MobileCiências informáticas 6
602436 Projeto Integrado 2Ciências informáticas 11
602418 Segurança InformáticaCiências informáticas 5
602433 Sistemas Empresariais e Gestão ProcessosEnquadramento na organização/empresa 2
2º Semestre
602423 EstágioCiências informáticas 30

Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 12805/2021 - 29/12/2021

Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
602430 Algoritmos ComputacionaisMatemática 2 Manuela Fernandes (1)(2)
602414 Arquitetura de Redes e Sistemas InformáticosCiências informáticas 5 Carlos Queiroz (1)(2)
60245 Arquitetura de Sistemas e ComputadoresCiências informáticas 5 Luis Almeida (1)(2)
602416 DatabasesCiências informáticas 8 António Casimiro Batista (1)(2)
José Casimiro Pereira (2)
60249 EnglishLínguas e literaturas estrangeiras 2 Susana Domingos (1)(2)
602429 EstatísticaEstatística 2 José Faria Paixão (1)(2)
60241 MatemáticaMatemática 5 Rosa Brígida (1)(2)
Carla Silva (2)
602431 Metodologia de Gestão de ProjetoEnquadramento na organização/empresa 2 José Manuel Quelhas Antunes (1)(2)
60244 Programação ICiências informáticas 5 António Manso (1)(2)
602413 Programming IICiências informáticas 5 Pedro Correia (1)(2)
602417 Programming IIICiências informáticas 6 Paulo Sérgio Correia Monteiro (1)(2)
602432 Projeto Integrado 1Ciências informáticas 2 Luis Almeida (1)
Tiago Manuel Henriques Carrão (2)
Fábio Miguel Lopes Ferreira (2)
60248 Tecnologias da InternetCiências informáticas 6 Tiago Manuel Henriques Carrão (1)(2)
Fábio Miguel Lopes Ferreira (2)
602420 Web ProgrammingCiências informáticas 5 João Filipe Rodrigues Silva (2)
Paulo Sérgio Correia Monteiro (1)(2)


(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona


Course coordinator

Luis Agnelo de Almeida

Luis Agnelo de Almeida

Gabinete: J212
t.: +351249328157
endereço de e-mail

Erasmus coordinator

José Casimiro Nunes Pereira

José Casimiro Nunes Pereira

Gabinete: i211
t.: 249328158
ext.: 5210
endereço de e-mail

Administrative Support Staff

Maria Odete Coelho António

Maria Odete Coelho António

Gabinete: B151
t.: 249328140
ext.: 01301
endereço de e-mail
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