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Turismo e Gestão do Património Cultural

À Conversa com o Diretor


Nome do curso: Tourism and Cultural Heritage Management

Grau: Degree 

Duração: 3 years

Escola: Higher School of Management of Tomar

Nome do Diretor: Eunice R. Lopes

Formação do Diretor de curso: PhD

(Anthropology/Specialization: Policies and Images of Culture and Museology/FCSH.UNL)

eunice lopes

What does this course consist of?

R: The degree in Tourism and Cultural Heritage Management is based on (arises from) the growing interest in the fields of cultural tourism and heritage at national and international levels. The course also has a privileged situation about the framework of community support and the Portuguese strategy, namely: eligibility for European and national public funding (Portugal 2020; predicted Portugal 2030; Tourism Strategy 2027; FCT- Thematic Agendas (Culture and Cultural Heritage - Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality); RIS3, EU; EU 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; UN Sustainable Development Goals-2030. The importance of enhancing local governance actions, based on the transfer of knowledge created in the context of the training of human resources and its concrete application in the creation of employment and economic dynamics, is the proposal of this cycle of studies, under a strategy that will fulfill the necessary interconnection between the tourism component and the management of cultural heritage.

In this sense, the study cycle - degree in Tourism and Cultural Heritage Management pursues the following objectives: a) Prepare professionals with solid technical knowledge and human intervention in the interaction of tourist activity with cultural heritage; b) Provide qualified training in the fields of tourism and cultural heritage management, focused on the tourism system and development; c) Develop tools that allow identifying problems in tourism and cultural heritage management through theoretical and practical solutions supported by policies to safeguard and enhance cultural heritage; d) Increase strong training in tourism, linking it with complementary training in cultural heritage, anchored in tourist consumption trends and adjusted to the needs of the tourist industry and heritage; e) Promote applied research practices, encouraging student autonomy in their interaction with the social, environmental, economic and cultural environment, to carry out projects dedicated to heritage policies from the perspective of the tourist culture market.

What skills can students acquire?

R: It is intended that students acquire the following skills: a) Specific knowledge in the fields of tourism and cultural heritage in its multiple components recognized by local, regional, national, and international institutions; b) Management capabilities, from a perspective of design, financing, execution and promotion of cultural activities, within the scope of local authorities and institutions related to tourism and cultural heritage; c) Communication skills, promoting social, environmental, economic and cultural mobilization, and d) Capacity for critical analysis and creativity, necessary for the development of cultural and tourist projects sustainably anchored in territorial identity dynamics.

What are the professions in the market associated with this course?

R: Manager of tourist and cultural products; Tourism and cultural heritage technician; Cultural heritage manager; Event management technician; Travel agency operator; Hotel unit manager; Senior technician in museology, museography, and cultural heritage; Cultural services manager; Business and project consultant; Content manager (tourist and heritage content) for communication and advertising companies; Teaching and research.

These professionals may work in Central, regional, and local public administration; Public and private companies; Municipal associations; Local and regional development associations; and Cultural associations; Among other possibilities.

Why choose this course?

R: Why choose a degree in Tourism and Cultural Heritage Management? For its differentiating nature! It combines tourism and the management of cultural heritage. This means that it allows students to have qualified training in the fields of tourism and cultural heritage. It offers a unique opportunity to travel, discover, and create tourist and cultural projects anchored in the territorial potential that Portugal has to offer. Students are guided to integrate a unique path and experience of teaching and developing real professional skills. Therefore, the invitation is: Start this journey and change the course of your story!

Why come and study for IPT?

R: IPT is integrated into a city located in the center of Portugal, whose municipality is considered the best for living in the Médio Tejo region, visiting and investing in Portugal. The quality of life is excellent, suitable for all tastes. For those who enjoy music, you can participate in Tuna, which has events, which value participation and promote student involvement and integration. But if you like adventure, you can always participate in sailing, canoeing, kayaking, wakeboarding, and fishing activities at the Castelo Bode dam. Studying at IPT is immersing yourself in a context where people are the protagonists.


UE next generation
Centro 2030
Lisboa 2020
Compete 2030