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Gestão da Edificação e Obras

Construction and Structural Sciences

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Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 7571/2019 - 26/08/2019

5 ECTS; 1º Ano, Anual, 42,0 TP , Cód. 81865.

- Jorge Morarji dos Remédios Dias Mascarenhas (1)(2)
- Fernando Manuel Lino Gonçalves Antunes (2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona

Not applicable

When intervening in a building, have the ability to:
Part I: A- Understand when it was built; B-Recognize its constructive and structural system; Part II, C- Development of competences for solving static problems of material points and rigid structures (in Civil Engineering).

Part I:
I.1-Portuguese popular architecture
Description of construction systems, structural systems, comfort conditions and nomenclature of construction elements.
Recommendations on the best way to intervene to ensure the best living and safety conditions against possible earthquakes (horizontal actions).
I.2-Urban performance buildings
Description of construction systems, structural systems (operation and evolution), comfort conditions and nomenclature of construction elements
Recommendations on the best way to intervene to ensure the best living conditions and safety against possible earthquakes
Evolution of buildings: 1-Medieval/Gothic; 2-Renaissance; 3-Pre-Pombaline; 4-Baroque; 5-Pombaline Lisbon; 6-Pombalino Porto; 7-Cages; 8-Art Nouveau, iron structure; 9-Art Deco, concrete floors, slab; 10-Cod tail, intermediate frames; 11-Concrete porticoes; 12-Prefabricated; 13-Tunnel construction and table wall; 14-Fungiform; 15-Steel structure;
Part II:
1. Introduction to vector mechanics: vectors, sum of vectors, inner and outer product of vectors, application in the equilibrium of isostatic structures 2. Types of current structures in Civil Engineering. 3. Equilibrium of isostatic structures: support reactions, internal forces and force diagrams. 4. Trusses: analysis methods, node and Ritter method. 5.Cables: Equilibrium structures with cables. 6.Three hinged arches.7. Mass Geometry: center of gravity, static moment, moment and product of inertia, principal moments of inertia. Types of current metallic profiles.

Evaluation Methodology
Continuous assessment during the contact period (attendance period):
It comprises a written test priced at 20 values, with two parts, corresponding to each part (I and II) indicated in the syllabus.
The final classification of the UC corresponds to the sum of the classifications of each part with the following weights:
Part I (30% weight in the final average)
Part II (70% weight in the final average)
Students are approved (waiver of exam) if the final grade is greater than or equal to 10 points.
Assessment by exam (exam times, appeal exam and special exams):
It comprises a written test quoted for 20 points, with the same weightings. Students are approved if the classification of the written exam is greater than or equal to 10 points.

- A., F. (1976). Curso de Mecânica . (Vol. II). Rio de Janeiro: Livros Técnicos e Científicos
- Beer, F. (1998). Mecânica Vectorial para Engenheiros (Estática). Lisboa: Mc Graw-Hill
- Mascarenhas, J. (2015). Sistemas de Construção Vol XV, Arquitetura Popular Portuguesa. (Vol. 1). Lisboa: Livros Horizonte
- Mascarenhas, J. (2019). Sistemas de Construção Vol.XVI, Técnicas para a reabilitação de edifícios. (Vol. XVI). TOMAR: Livros Horizonte
- Meriam, J. (2003). Engineering Mechanics. (Vol. I: Statics). NY: LTC

Teaching Method
Part I -Lectures supported detailed illustrations. Part II -Provision of the fundamental concepts of statics and practical methodologies for current civil engineering applications. Analysis and discussion of case studies

Software used in class
FTOOL, Cypecad, Excell, Word e outros.




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