Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 2435/2023 de 17/02/2023
4 ECTS; 1º Ano, 2º Semestre, 30,0 T + 5,0 OT , Cód. 964532.
- Ana Rita de Sousa Gaspar Vieira (1)
- Carlos Paulo Henriques Catrica Silva (2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
A. Promote an increase in visual culture that allows students to identify and distinguish different creative languages, promoting respect for difference and the 'other';
B. Stimulate a deeper knowledge of the History of Art, realizing the importance of the Modernist Process and our relationship with Contemporary Art, contributing to developing students' critical sense and social awareness;
C. Understand relationships between History and Art Theory in contemporary times and know how to apply them to the particular context of photography, understanding the use of images over time as a vehicle of power, spirituality, memory, to understand how their codes accumulate and subsist.
1. The Modern Age:
- The subjectification of art;
- The artist as creator;
- The world of machines and the industrial image;
2. Realism;
3. Impressionism;
4. The Modernist Process: the Vanguards and the Ruptures:
- The appearance of the museum;
- The appearance of the exhibition;
- The Isms and the Grade zero of art;
- The end of Art History;
5. Contemporary Art:
- Post Modernism;
- The white cube as a paradigm of the exhibition space;
- Post-Production;
- Hybridity.
Evaluation Methodology
The U.C. assessment results from attendance and constructive participation in classes (which are worth 10% of the final grade) and the completion of 2 theoretical works of critical analysis of content taught at U.C., previously agreed and approved by the teacher. The 1st work is a critical comment (worth 30% of the U.C. final grade) and the 2nd work is an in-depth theoretical investigation of one of the topics studied, previously agreed with the teacher (worth 60% of the U.C. final grade). Students who, in the sum of these 3 items, have an assessment equal to or greater than 10 points will be exempt from the exam.
Assessment during exam time involves the delivery of the 2 works mentioned (which are worth 90% of the final grade), relating to content taught at the U.C., also with the prior agreement of the themes to be developed, by the teacher and the participation in classes (which is worth 10% of the final grade).
- Belting, H. (2006). O Fim da História da Arte.. São Paulo: Cosac Naify
- Chipp, H. (1999). Teorias da Arte Moderna. São Paulo: Martins Fontes
- Gombrich, E. (1993). A História da Arte.. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Guanabara Koogan S.A.
- Huyghe, R. (1998). O Poder da Imagem. Lisboa: Edições 70
Teaching Method
Expository theoretical classes, based on viewing and critical discussion of images and theoretical content presented.
Software used in class