Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 8644/2020 - 08/09/2020
6 ECTS; 2º Ano, 2º Semestre, 56,0 PL , Cód. 911940.
- João Filipe Rodrigues Silva (2)
- José Casimiro Nunes Pereira (1)(2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Mandatory deep knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and database modeling.
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
1. Implement Web applications to access remote databases, using Server side applications
2. Create APIs for REST applications
3. Apply security rules in web applications
4. Apply usability criteria to the interfaces;
1. Programming of dynamic Web interfaces, using ASP .NET Core MVC;
1.1 - what is a Web Application?
1.2 - Client-Server Architecture
1.3 - protocols TCP/IP + HTTP(S)
1.4 - the MVC pattern
1.5 - creation of web applications, using the ASP .NET Core MVC tool, to interact with remote databases
1.5.1 - specification of the data structure, in 'code-first' mode, implementing business-rules
1.5.2 - creation of interfaces for interaction with data
1.5.3 - implementation of validations of data provided by users
1.5.4 - creation of user accounts, to implement policies for authentication and authorization of access to data in the database
1.6 - Use of Signal R to allow 'real time' comunications
1.7 - presentation of usability notions
1.8 - presentation and implementation of security rules in web applications
2. API development, using ASP .NET Core MVC;
2.1 - What is an API?
2.2 - what is REST?
2.3 - API creation strategies
2.4 - API creation, using the ASP .NET Core MVC tool
3. Use of the GIT code version control service
3.1 - project creation
3.2 - submission of works
3.3 - creation of branches
4. Use of Azure services
4.1 - creation of accounts
4.2 - install of web application and database
Evaluation Methodology
Development of one Web Application, accessing remote databases;
1. Component 1: interaction with users, using 'server side' approach: 20v max.
2. Component 2: API development: 20v max.
3. Component 3: publish of the web application on a web server: 20v. max.
Final classification: weighted average of the classifications of Components 1, 2 and 3.
- Component 1: 60% final grade
- Component 2: 30% final grade
- Component 3: 10% final grade
- Minimum grade in Component 1 and Component 2: 7.0 val
- Microsoft, .. (0). ASP.NET. Acedido em 12 de fevereiro de 2025 em
- Microsoft, .. (0). Web Development Courses. Acedido em 12 de fevereiro de 2025 em
-, .. (0). Recursos de aprendizagem para começar a utilizar o Azure . Acedido em 12 de fevereiro de 2025 em
-, .. (0). Recursos para programadores, por programadores.. Acedido em 12 de fevereiro de 2025 em
Teaching Method
- Practical Work;
- Development and monitoring of individual projects.
Software used in class
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2022
- Microsoft Visual Studio Code
- SQL Server Express
- others, that are going to be revealed during classes