Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 10366/2022 - 24/08/2022 (Parceria ESTT/ESAI)
5 ECTS; 3º Ano, Anual, 48,0 TP , Cód. 908971.
- Cristina Margarida Rodrigues Costa (1)(2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable.
Understand current construction techniques of steel and steel-concrete structures.
Acquire the ability to apply knowledge of the strength of materials, analysis, stability and dimensioning of structures, as well as regulatory concepts (EC0, EC1, EC3, EC4 and EC8) to the design of steel and steel-concrete structures.
Understand basic concepts of pathology and rehabilitation of steel structures as well as the use of steel and steel-concrete solutions for structural rehabilitation.
Typology and functioning of structural systems.
Physical and mechanical properties of materials.
Stress analysis. Elastic and plastic global analysis. P-delta effects. Influence of joints. Restraining.
Strength of cross sections. Buckling. Lateral and local buckling.
Dimensioning to ultimate limit states. Serviceability limit states.
Joints and detailing.
Structural defects and reinforcement techniques.
Steel-concrete connections. Design of composite beams and slabs. Composite solutions for structural rehabilitation.
Evaluation Methodology
CONTINUOUS EVALUATION (contact period/attendance period):
- A written test - PE - carried out during the contact period/attendance period (on a date to be defined with the students), worth 20 points and with a weighting of 0.8 in the final grade.
- A practical work - TP - individual, carried out during the contact period/attendance period (delivered on a date to be defined with the students), estimated at 20 points and with a weighting of 0.2 in the final classification.
The final classification (CF) corresponds to the sum of the weighted classifications:
The minimum final grade for approval corresponds to 10 points out of 20.
EVALUATION BY EXAM (exam periods):
- A written examination test (PEE) carried out during the examination periods, worth 20 points.
The final grade (CF) corresponds to the written test grade: CF=PEE.
The minimum final grade for approval corresponds to 10 points out of 20.
- Silva, L. e Santiago, A. (2003). Manual de ligações metálicas. Coimbra: CMM Press
- Simões, R. (2005). Manual de dimensionamento de estruturas metálicas. Coimbra: CMM Press
- Da Silva, V. (2013). Mecânica e resistência dos materiais. Coimbra: Zuari
Regulamentos: RSA, REAE, EC1, EC3 e EC4. (Edição: várias)
Teaching Method
Theoretical lessons comprise presentation and discussion of theoretical concepts and discussion of practical examples. Practical assignments of analysis and design of steel and composite structures are proposed to students in the practical classes.
Software used in class