5 ECTS; 3º Ano, 2º Semestre, 45,0 T + 2,0 OT , Cód. 9380105.
- Ana Rita de Sousa Gaspar Vieira (1)(2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Provide students with theoretical knowledge that makes them capable of framing the emergence of contemporary artistic movements in Portugal, characterizing them and identifying artists and works relevant to their understanding. Identify the main movements, artists and works;
Understand the work of art as an artistic, aesthetic and historical object, inserted in a cultural dynamic that is the result of a social and civilizational process, which must be properly preserved and restored.
Portuguese artistic practice in the 20th and 21st centuries:
The diversity of languages ??and media in national contemporary art: painting, sculpture, drawing and installation;
The avant-garde: the book as a work and vehicle of dissemination;
European and American references and interference: the internationalization of art and the influence of foreign countries felt in it, specifically in the work of Portuguese artists who lived in Paris, London, etc.;
The transformation of the relationship between art and the public. The Zero Alternative. The performances, the actions, the installations and the environments;
Group exhibitions; international meetings; art fairs; the groups and biennials - the actions of the Coimbra Visual Arts Circles and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation;
Conceptualism and post-conceptualism in Portugal.
The relationship between art and theory in contemporary times: theoretical research and artistic practice in the field of contemporary art. The voice of artists in dialogue with the materiality of their works.
Evaluation Methodology
1. Digital delivery of two theoretical works, the theme of which will be previously approved by the teacher, each of them contributing 40% of the final classification;
2. Continuous assessment and participation in classes (20%);
3. Assessment by exam will also be carried out with the delivery of two works with themes and subjects to be approved by the teacher (40% each) and it will take into account the continuous assessment relating to participation in classes (20%);
4. Students who obtain a grade equal to or greater than 10 are exempt from the Exam.
- Markl, D. e Dias, P. (1986). História da Arte em Portugal.. (Vol. 15). Lisboa: Alfa.
- Mário Gonçalves , R. (1998). A arte portuguesa do século XX . (Vol. 1). Lisboa: Temas & Debates.
- Santos, D. (2018). A palavra imperfeita. Escritos sobre artistas contemporâneos.. Lisboa: Sistema Solar. CRL (Documenta)
- Vieira Jurgens, S. (2016). Instalações Provisórias - Independência, autonomia, alternativa e informalidade. Artistas e exposições em Portugal no século XX . (Vol. 1). Lisboa.: Documenta
Teaching Method
The classes are theoretical and expository based on the critical analysis of works of art to understand the determining characteristics of artistic movements. Direct contact with works of art is promoted through study visits or conferences.
Software used in class