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Cinema Documental

Cinema and Contemporary Society

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Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 6320/2018 - 28/06/2018

4 ECTS; 2º Ano, 2º Semestre, 60,0 TP + 3,0 OT , Cód. 817720.

- Liliana Cristina Vidais Rosa (1)(2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona


A. Identify and understand the historical and theoretical contexts of the connection between cinema and contemporaneity.
B. Develop analytical and critical skills to comprehend the aesthetic and technical choices in cinema.
C. Produce filmic objects from a dialogic basis.

1. The cinematographic image as a cultural document.
1.1. Anthropological theories applied to cinema.
1.2. Case studies of cinematographic images reflective of contemporaneity.
2. The creative process in film production.
2.1. Creative and technical interaction in film production.
2.2. The role of Cinematography in the construction of visual narrative.
2.3. Cinematic aesthetics as a reflection of society.
2.4. Contexts of reception and decoding of cinematographic images.
2.4.1. Cultural diversity and image interpretation.
2.4.2. The impact of new technologies on film reception.
3. Presentation, viewing, and analysis of the produced exercises.

Evaluation Methodology
1. Assessment by Frequency
1.1. Presentation of exercises in class
. Exercise #1 Film on the theme “Cinema as a mirror of Society: The Visual Narrative” (minimum 6 minutes) - 25%
. Theoretical analysis of Exercise #1 (minimum 500 words) - 15%
. Exercise #2 Film on the theme “Contemporary Visual Dialogues” (minimum 6 minutes) - 25%
. Theoretical analysis of Exercise #2 (minimum 500 words) - 15%
1.2. Participation in classes - 20%

By "participation in classes" we mean presence in class, contribution to the debate around film analysis, intervention requested by the teacher during the presentation of content, compliance with deadlines defined for tasks and posture in class ."

2. Assessment by Exam
2.1 Normal Season, Appeal Season and Special Season: the same 2 filmic exercises and respective theoretical analyzes will be requested (each exercise is worth 30% and each theoretical analysis is worth 20%; total of the 2 exercises + 2 theoretical analyzes is worth 100%), equal to the context of assessment by frequency (100%).

The evaluation is carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 11 of the Academic Regulations of IPT Schools. Students who obtain a grade equal to or greater than 10 are exempt from the Exam.

- Agamben, G. (2009). O que é Contemporâneo? e outros ensaios. Chapecó SC: Argos Editora
- Grilo, J. e Aparício, M. (2013). Cinema e Filosofia - Compêndio. Lisboa: Edições Colibri
- Penafria, M. (2023). Percurso pelo documentário: evolução histórica em geral e os filmes portugueses dos anos 90 em particular (versão revista e aumentada). In N. Araújo (Coordenador), História do Cinema - dos primórdios ao cinema contemporâneo. (pp. 463-490). Lisboa: Edições 70
- Documentário e Tecnologia: duas realidades em desenvolvimento paralelo.(2015, 1 de setembro). Doc On-Line, pp. 33-60.

Teaching Method
1. Theoretical and practical classes
2. Film screening and analysis
3. Practical/laboratory classes including practical exercises

Software used in class
1. Platform used
1.1 Microsoft Teams

2. Software necessary to apply the acquired knowledge
2.1 Microsoft Word
2.2 Adobe Acrobat Reader
2.3 Open Office
2.4 VLC Media Player
2.5 QuickTime Player
2.6 Da Vinci Resolve




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