Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 6320/2018 - 28/06/2018
4 ECTS; 1º Ano, 1º Semestre, 60,0 TP + 3,0 OT , Cód. 81771.
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
1. Enable students to develop reading grids for the history of cinema and to understand its main moments from pre-cinema to the mid-20th century.
2. Critically situate referential film works in the movements and trends in which they are part.
3. Ability to think about cinema as cultural objects, inserted in a specific context, society and time.
4. Ability to understand the different discursive dimensions of cinema in the period under study.
I. Historiography of cinema
II. Pre-cinema, cinema of attractions and narrative cinema
III. The artistic avant-gardes
IV. Silent cinema vs sound cinema
V. Hollywood and film genres
Evaluation Methodology
- Aumont, J. (2009). Dicionário teórico e crítico do cinema. Lisboa: Texto & Grafia
- Bertteto, P. (2019). Uma história do cinema. Lisboa: Texto e Grafia
- Bordwell, D. (1993). El arte cinematográfico. Barcelona: Paidós
- Bordwell, D. (2003). Film history. An introduction. New York: McGraw-Hill
- Gubern, R. (2005). Historia del cine. Barcelona: Editorial Lumen
- Noriega, J. (2003). Historia del cine. Madrid: Alianza Editorial
Teaching Method
a) In-person classes. Additional online classes
b) Film viewing and analysis
c) Exhibition and debate based on a presentation relating to the subjects
Software used in class