4 ECTS; 1º Ano, 2º Semestre, 28,0 T + 28,0 TP + 14,0 OT , Cód. 203210.
- Carla Sofia Catarino Silva (1)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
French level: A1.
Students should enhance their communication skills and be able to master conversations in the foreign language. They should also be able to use vocabulary related to tourism, hotels and restauration correctly. They should also spell words correctly and have a good accent, according to the level of language studied.
Personal, social and professional contacts: contact with the client in different professional contexts.
Professional Routines: reception, guidance, services and facilities.
Travelling and commuting: documentation, means of transport, boarding places.
Places of touristic interest: monuments, touristic attractions, social meeting places.
Leisure management and touristic animation: touristic resorts, nature and adventure companies, cultural centres.
Grammar topics according to the syllabus.
Evaluation Methodology
Continuous assessment (70% attendance):
Active participation in the classroom (exercises, working papers): 10%
Intermediate test: 20% (minimum for admission : 8.5 grade points)
Final test: 50% (minimum for admission : 8.5 grade points)
Oral test: 20% (minimum for admission : 7.5 grade points)
Periodic assessment:
Written exam: 50% (minimum for admission : 9.5 grade points)
Oral exam: 50% (minimum for admission : 7.5 grade points)
Students who do not obtain a minimum grade of 9.5 in the items referred to as continuous assessment elements (all of which are mandatory) will be admitted to the exam.
Exam, resit exam and Grade improvement exam:
Written exam: 50% (minimum for admission : 9.5 grade points)
Oral exam: 50% (minimum for admission : 7.5 grade points)
- Dussac, E. (2017). Bon Voyage. Paris: Clé International
- A, M. (2016). Apprends et révise la grammaire. Gramática prática do Francês. (Vol. 1). Porto: Porto Editora
- AAVV, A. (2015). Bescherelle . (Vol. 1, 2 et 3). Paris: HATIER
- Corbeau, S. e Dubois, C. e Penfornis, J. e Semichon, L. (2013). Hôtellerie-restauration.com. Paris: CLE International
- Penfornis, J. e Dubois, C. e Corbeau, S. (2013). Tourisme.com. Paris: CLE International
Teaching Method
Development of oral and written skills through practical written exercises and role-playing activities.
Software used in class
Not applicable.