Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 9920/2021 de 12/11/2021 + Despacho n.º 2436/2023 de 17/02/2023
3 ECTS; 2º Ano, 1º Semestre, 28,0 T + 14,0 TP , Cód. 601613.
- Maria da Conceição Rodrigues Teixeira Martins (2)
- Maria Graciete da Purificação Reis Henriques Honrado (1)(2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable.
Students should understand the role of the individual as an integral element of an organization, what are the constraints, and the relationships between individuals.
Students should understand the importance of the strategic component of human resources in the study of behavioral variables.
Chapter I - Organizations
1.1. Nature, scope and objectives of Organizational Behavior.
1.2. Evolution of organizational theories.
1.3. Organizational structure and design.
1.4. Welcome and integration of employees.
1.5. Organizational culture.
Chapter II - New foundations of behavior
2.1. Variables that enhance workers' flexibility in the face of changes - generational management.
2.2. Organizational change process.
2.3. Managing healthy work environments vs. management of toxic work environments.
2.4. Organizational communication.
Chapter III - Emotional intelligence and its impact on globalization
3.1. Importance of emotions in behavior.
3.2. Assess the impact of globalization on human capital.
Chapter IV - Motivation process vs. frustration.
4.1. Conceptualization of the motivation process.
4.2. Motivation and frustration.
4.3. Typologies: physiological, social and cognitive reasons.
Chapter V - Job satisfaction
5.1. Conceptualization of the satisfaction process.
5.2. Antecedents of satisfaction.
5.3. Consequences of satisfaction.
Chapter VI - Stress at work
6.1. Conceptualization of the stress process at work.
6.2. Causes of stress.
6.3. Consequences of stress: burnout.
Chapter VII - Work teams in organizations
7.1. Types and characteristics of groups.
7.2. Work teams and teamwork.
Chapter VIII - Leadership
8.1. Evolution of leadership theories.
8.2. Female leadership and entrepreneurship.
8.3. Power, control and conflict.
Chapter IX - Trends in Human Capital Management
Evaluation Methodology
Periodic assessment: written test (50%) and work developed in class (50%). Students whose average grade is equal to or greater than 10 points are approved and exempted from the exam.
Exam Times: written test (100%).
- Campos e Cunha, R. e Neves, P. e Cabral-Cardoso, C. e Rego, A. e Pina e Cunha, M. (2016). Manual de Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão. Lisboa: Editora RH
- Hughes, C. (2015). Managing Human Resource Development Programs. UK: Palgrave Macmillan
- Matteson, M. e Konopaske, R. e Ivancevich, J. (2013). Organizational Behaviour and Management. New York: McGraw Hill
- Neck, C. e Houghton, J. e Murray, E. (2019). Organizational Behavior: A Skill-Building Approach. (Vol. 2nd Edition). California, USA: SAGE Publications, Inc
- Pina e Cunha, M. e Rego, A. (2010). Manual de Gestão de Pessoas e do Capital Humano. Lisboa: Edições Silabo
- Robbins, S. e Judge, T. (2019). Organizational Behavior. (Vol. 18th Edition). USA: Pearson
- Rodrigues, A. e Silva, M. e Couto, A. e Lousã, E. (2019). Gestão e Desenvolvimento de Recursos Humanos - Práticas num contexto em transformação. Lisboa: Vida Económica
Teaching Method
Theoretical lessons where they are exposed to the topics of programmatic contents complemented by practical classes where the same themes are discussed. Emphasis is the study of practical cases for better understanding with the business reality.
Software used in class
Not applicable.