Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 6419/2017, de 24-07-2017
5 ECTS; 1º Ano, 2º Semestre, 15,0 T + 15,0 TP , Cód. 92998.
- Isabel Maria da Silva Rodrigues Pinto dos Reis (1)(2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable.
This curricular unit aims to contribute to the development of knowledge and skills fundamental to the identification of the characteristics of healthy work environments, their causes and consequences, forms of diagnosis and intervention, as well as the role of human resources management.
Part 1. Foundation for Healthy Workplaces
1.1 Health and Safety in numbers
1.2 Business Benefits of a Healthy Workforce
1.3 Theories of organizational health and well-being
Part 2. Recognising unhealthy work
2.1 unhealthy workplaces? characteristics
2.2 Distress and Burnout
2.3 Harassment and Violence at work
2.4 Work accidents and sickness
2.5 Other psychosocial risks
Part 3. Building a culture of health
3.1 Defining health culture
3.2 Culture and Climate
3.3 Leadership
3.4 Employee Psychological Capital and Engagement
3.5 Designing Healthy Workplaces
Part 4. Assessing and promoting Health at work
4.1 Assessment: tools and implementation
4.2 Integrated wellness programs
4.3 Change challenges
Evaluation Methodology
Continuous assessment includes a group assignment about one of the topics covered in the module.
Exam-based assessment: written test
- Bichard, E. (2009). Creating a Healthy Work Environment through Sustainable Practices: Future Challenges. The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Well Being. (Vol. 1). UK: Susan Cartwright, and Cary L. Cooper (eds). Oxford Academic
- Cooper, C. (2011). Organizational Health and Wellbeing. London, England: Sage Publications.
- Gonçalves, S. e Neves, J. (2013). Occupational Health Psychology: From burnout to well-being. Rosemead, CA, USA: Scientific & Academic Publishing
- Gonçalves, S. (2013). Stress e bem-estar no trabalho: da definição aos modelos teóricos. Lisboa: Sociedade Portuguesa de Medicina do Trabalho
- Trades Union Congress, T. (2018). Your Health at Work. UK: Kogan Page
- Effects of a Total Worker Health: leadership intervention on employee well-being and functional impairment.(2021, 1 de dezembro). Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, pp. 582-598.
- The impact of healthy workplaces on employee satisfaction, productivity and costs.(2023, 20 de fevereiro). Journal of Corporate Real Estate, pp. 29-49.
Teaching Method
Traditional lecturing method. Theoretical-practical sessions include group-based work and case study analysis.
Software used in class
Not applicable.