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The human condition, through the lens.  


The master's degree in Documentary and Report is a specialization path that results from the convergence between documentary and journalism. The research, processing and mediation of fact-based information arise in this cycle of studies in a context of intersection between the processes of cinematographic and journalistic production in a digital environment. Having blurred the formal differences, or oppositions, between cinema and television, it is in a technological landscape characterized by multiple distribution platforms that broad possibilities for disseminating content that contribute to a broader understanding of the human condition can be seen. Documentary as a divergent format from cinema and report as a format of excellence in journalism combine in multiple editing possibilities from the most diverse materials and sources. This hybrid genre thus emerges through research proposals that are the culmination of extensive research and as a reason for debate and reflection within the scope of its reception.


DGES Registration No.: R/A-Cr 60/2025
DGES Registration Date: 24/02/2025
ECTS: 120
Location: Abrantes.

Process No.: NCE/24/2400285
Accreditation Term: 3 anos
Publication Date: 27/01/2025
A3ES Deliberation


  • Know the points of intersection between journalism and documentary cinema in their respective historical and technological contexts;
  • Adopt appropriate methodologies for factual and cinematographic research on the human condition;
  • Understand the relational dynamics arising from work of an essentially ethical nature;
  • Operationalize digital audiovisual production means on a basis of technical versatility.

Professional Goals

Graduates of this course have a professional profile particularly focused on Documentary and Report. The main career opportunities fall into the following areas:

  • Directing Journalistic Documentaries;
  • Documentary Production;
  • Investigative Reporting;
  • Academic Research.

Condições de Acesso

Can apply for the master’s degree in Documentary and Report:

  • Holders of a bachelor's degree or legal equivalent in the scientific areas: Cinema, Journalism, Social Sciences and Humanities and related areas;
  • Holders of a foreign higher academic degree that is recognized as meeting the objectives of the degree in one of the areas referred to in the previous paragraphs by the Technical-Scientific Council of ESTA – IPT;
  • In duly justified cases, holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum, which is recognized by the Technical-Scientific Council of ESTA – IPT, as satisfying the objectives and capabilities necessary to carry out this cycle of studies.

Tuition fees and payment methods

The annual tuition fee is 1050,00€, and can be paid in full or in 10 monthly installments.

Application schedule

Information about applications and their schedule can be found here.

For any clarification, please contact the Single Counter – Student Point of Contact by email spoc@ipt.pt or WhatsApp +351 913 950 802

Documents to be submitted with the application

  • Copy of identification documents or passport;
  • Curriculum vitae;
  • Certificate of academic qualifications with detailed subjects;
  • Proof of payment of the application fee of €60.

Payment must be made using the following IBAN:

IBAN: PT50 0781 0112 0000 0001 2791 7


If you have any questions, please contact balcaounico@ipt.pt


Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
1º Semestre
31041 Antropologia VisualCiências sociais e do comportamento 4
31042 Processos de Investigação em ReportagemInformação e jornalismo 11
31044 Seminário de JornalismoInformação e jornalismo 11
31043 Tecnologias Digitais do Som e da ImagemArtes 4
2º Semestre
31045 Distribuição de Conteúdos MultiplataformaInformação e jornalismo 9
31046 Documentário e ContemporaneidadeArtes 4
31047 Laboratório de Documentário e ReportagemArtes 6
31048 Seminário de DocumentárioArtes 11


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
310410 Artes 60
310411 Artes 60
310412 Artes 60

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona


Portuguese Federation of Film and Audiovisual Schools

FEST – New Directors New Cinema

Palha de Abrantes Cultural Association

Cultural Association of Various Materials


Abrantes City Council Sardoal City

Council Constância City

Council Mação City

Council School Group No. 2 | Abrantes

Templários School Group | Tomar

Photography Studies Center of Tomar


Course coordinator

Liliana Cristina Vidais Rosa

Liliana Cristina Vidais Rosa

endereço de e-mail

Erasmus coordinator

Liliana Cristina Vidais Rosa

Liliana Cristina Vidais Rosa

endereço de e-mail

Administrative Support Staff

Maria do Carmo Goncalves Andre

Maria do Carmo Goncalves Andre

t.: 241379500
endereço de e-mail
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