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Construction and Rehabilitation






This cycle of studies constitutes an embracing training in the field of construction and rehabilitation. The offer of this cycle of studies intends to increase the number of graduates in the field of rehabilitation of built heritage, an area that has been growing in recent years and is expected to grow in the coming years in Portugal. The syllabus contributes to a professional broadband profile aimed at the training and the capacity to apply knowledge in solving real problems of the construction sector, including the rehabilitation component of the building. It is intended that the graduates should be able to carry out their activity in the maintenance and rehabilitation of buildings and in the coordination of various civil construction activities, namely in the participation in multidisciplinary teams in the areas of project management and supervision in the sector Public or private, in training and applied research.


ECTS: 180


 Offer training that allows the acquisition of skills in the field of construction and rehabilitation of built heritage;

Provide a solid vocational training, broadband, aimed at knowledge application capability in solving problems of the various fields of construction and rehabilitation;

Prepare professionals capable of integrating and creating value in multidisciplinary teams;

Develop a sense of responsibility, a critical spirit and the ability to continue learning with autonomy.

Professional Goals

It is intended that graduates be qualified to carry out their activity in the maintenance and rehabilitation of buildings and in the coordination of various civil construction activities, namely in the participation in multidisciplinary teams in the areas of promotion, design, public or private sector, in training and in applied research.



Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 9398/2015 - 18/08/2015

Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
1º Semestre
81065 Applied MechanicsEstruturas 5
81064 Applied PhysicsFisica 5 Rosa Brígida (1)
81066 Building MaterialsConstrução 5
81062 Linear AlgebraMatemática 5 Carlos Perquilhas (1)
81061 Mathematical Analysis IMatemática 6
81063 Technical DrawingConstrução 4
2º Semestre
810612 Building Materials TestingConstrução 5
81069 Building Design and SpecificationsConstrução 4
81067 Mathematical Analysis IIMatemática 6
81068 Numerical and Statistical MethodsMatemática 6
810610 Strength of Materials IEstruturas 5
810611 Surveying and MappingGeotecnia e Fundações 4


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
810613 Building Sustainability Construção 4
810617 Engineering GeologyGeotecnia e Fundações 6
810618 Entrepreneurship Gestão 4
810614 General Building Processes IConstrução 5
810616 General Hydraulics Hidráulica 6
810615 Strength of Materials IIEstruturas 5
2º Semestre
810619 Building Inspection and MonitoringGeotecnia e Fundações, Estruturas 5
810622 Applied Hydraulics I Hidráulica 5
810620 General Building ProcessesConstrução 4
810623 Soil MechanicsGeotecnia e Fundações 5
810624 Structural Concrete Estruturas 6
810621 Theory of StructuresEstruturas 5


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
810630 Applied Hydraulics IIHidráulica 5
810627 Building Structures Estruturas 5
810626 Construction Site Management and SafetyConstrução 5
810628 Foundations and Retaining Structures Geotecnia e Fundações 5
810629 Metallic and Composite Structures Estruturas 5
810625 Reinforced Concrete Structures Estruturas 5
2º Semestre
810631 Building Pathology and Rehabilitation Construção 5
810633 Construction PhysicsConstrução 5
810632 Masonry and Timber Structures Estruturas 4
810636 ProjectConstrução, Estruturas 7
810635 Regional and Urban PlanningPlaneamento 4
810634 Road Engineering Geotecnia e Fundações 5

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona


Course coordinator

Ana Paula Gerardo Machado

Ana Paula Gerardo Machado

Gabinete: L209
t.: 249328174
ext.: 7209
endereço de e-mail

Erasmus coordinator

Ana Paula Gerardo Machado

Ana Paula Gerardo Machado

Gabinete: L209
t.: 249328174
ext.: 7209
endereço de e-mail

Administrative Support Staff

Susana Filipa dos Santos Ferreira Marques Masague

Susana Filipa dos Santos Ferreira Marques Masague

Gabinete: I215
t.: 249328170
ext.: 01303
endereço de e-mail
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