IPT Logotipo do IPT

Ano Letivo: 2023/24

Gestão de Recursos Humanos e Comportamento Organizacional

Introduction to Finance

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Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 1887/2016 - 05/02/2016

5 ECTS; 2º Ano, 1º Semestre, 60,0 TP + 15,0 OT , Cód. 964018.

- Maria Graciete da Purificação Reis Henriques Honrado (1)(2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona

Not applicable.

Students should be able to understand and interpret the financial cycles of the company and to calculate the financial needs inherent to them. They should also be able to analyze the financial situation and the economic and financial results of any business activity.

Background: financial function, financial analysis and financial management.
Financial position: understand the balance sheet:
- Notion of heritage, its composition and effects of variations;
- Concept of asset;
- Asset components;
- Distinction between current and non-current;
- Definition of liabilities and their components;
- Equity items.
Performance: The income statement and the link with the balance sheet:
- Income;
- Expenses.
The construction of the balance sheet and income statement.
- Analysis of balance sheet content and income statement;
- Practical application exercises.
Treasury: The short-term financial perspective:
- Differences between income and receipts, expenses and payments;
- Classification of activities: Operational, Financing and Investment.
Analysis of a company's financial balance:
- Minimum financial balance;
- Existing working capital;
- Liquidity ratios.
Understand the economic and financial impact of commercial actions:
- Average period of receipts;
- Discounts and the explicit and implicit financial cost;
- The average payment term;
- The purchase price and its components;
- The effects of discounts obtained;
- Management of returns;
- The average storage period (stock);
- Rotation of goods in warehouse;
- Entry and exit costs;
- Security stock.
The notion of working capital.
The issue of financial balance.
The composition of the functional balance sheet.
Working capital needs and the exploration cycle.
Bank financing.
The neutral of sales.
Operating profitability and the associated risk.
Financing Strategies.
Know some key indicators:
- The various results: EBITDA, Cash Flow, Net Income for the Period.
Know how to use and prepare a budget:
- The budget process;
- The forecast of activities: articulation and interconnection between the various partial budgets.
Establish forecasts for the various budgets:
- The commercial budget;
- The production budget;
- The general expenses budget;
- The staff expenses budget;
- Budget of new and replacement investments;
- Depreciation and budget;
- Budget and financing;
- The exploration budget.
Preparation of forecast maps.
Introduction to management accounting:
- Industrial cost of production;
- Industrial cost of products sold;
- Production variation;
- Income statement by functions.

Evaluation Methodology
Periodic Assessment: students with an average grade of 10 points are excused from the exam in continuous assessment.
Final Evaluation: Written examinations, at the time established in the school calendar.

- Fernandes, C. e Vieira, E. e Neiva, J. e Peguinho , C. (2022). Análise Financeira – Teoria e Prática. (Vol. 1). Lisboa: Edições Sílabo
- HBR, G. (2020). Guia HBR: Finanças Elementares para Gestores. Lisboa: Actual Editora
- Laureano, L. e Barroso, C. e Soares, H. e Mota, A. (2014). Introdução às Finanças - Fundamentos de Finanças com Casos Práticos Resolvidos e Propostos. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo
- Magalhães, J. (2020). Finanças para não financeiros. (Vol. 1). Lisboa: Lisbonpress
- Martins, A. e Cruz, I. e Augusto, M. e Silva, P. e Gonçalves, P. (2017). Manual de Gestão Financeira Empresarial. Forte da Casa, V. F. de Xira: Escolar Editora
- Melicher, R. e Norton, E. (2020). The economic and financial analysis, both in the short and medium/long term, conveys the company's reality, given the market in which it operates, and allows the application of the most convenient and competitive strategies. (Vol. 17th Edition). UK: Wiley
- Silva, E. (2013). Gestão Financeira - Análise de Fluxos Financeiros. Lisboa: Vida Económica
- Silva, J. e Ferreira, P. (2018). Princípios de Gestão Financeira. Lisboa: Rei dos Livros

Teaching Method
The exhibition and interactive type practical classes with active participation of students in solving practical exercises. Book up about 50% of the effective time classes, for practical applications which include calculations.

Software used in class
Not applicable.




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