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Ano Letivo: 2023/24

Design e Tecnologia das Artes Gráficas


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Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 9182/2020 - 25/09/2020

6 ECTS; 3º Ano, 1º Semestre, 60,0 TP + 4,0 OT , Cód. 964452.

- Regina Aparecida Delfino (1)(2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona

Not applicable

Acquisition and mastery of theoretical and practical knowledge of postpress techniques, materials, equipment and industrial systems. Development of conceptual and operational planning skills in this sector.

1. Postpress: Definition and classification
2. Linear cuttin
2.1. Process characterization
2.2. Cutting with linear guillotine: constitution and description of the operation, cutting problems.
3. Folding
3.1. Characterization of Processes
3.2. Imposition of pages
3.3. Mechanical principle: Bending with knives and folds with bag
3.4. Types of folds
3.5. Types of equipment and accessories.
4. Binding Industrial (terminology and definitions);
5. Anatomy / naming of the book;
6. Binding paperback book with square spine;
7. Sequence of production of paperback:
7.1. Cutting;
7.2. Folding;
7.3. Collating;
7.4. Stitching (wire / line);
7.5. Cover Preparation; Casing-In;
7.6. Cutting;
7.7. Refining: Hot stamping, Colored embossign, Foil embossing, Relief embossing, Brind embossing.
8. Materials
8.1. Taxonomy, definition, composition, technical characteristics, manipulation techniques
8.2. Paper / cardboard, plastic, adhesives (nomenclature, adhesion mechanisms), lamination films
9. Industrial technologies - equipment and industrial systems:
9.1. Guillotines and cutting systems
9.2. Folding machine
9.3. Magazine sewing machine
9.4. Book finishing line, paperback and hardcover
9.5. Machine collate sheet and stitching magazine
9.6. Die cutting. Die Cutting machine
9.7. Refining: plasticizing machine, hot stamping machine etc.
9.8. Gluing machine of and closing boxes
9.9. Service and Maintenance
10. Techniques related to conveting
11. Technical related to stationery
12. Postpress planning - production lines.

Evaluation Methodology
Continuous evaluation will be carried out by theoretical frequency, which corresponds to 40% of the total grade and 60% corresponds to the practical projects carried out during the semester.
In the theoretical part, a written test will be carried out. In the practical part, the students will have to develop during the semester: five individual practical exercises of prototyping and a written theoretical-practical work, individual or in group.
The grade is a weighted average of the values obtained. A minimum of 10 values is considered as the theoretical frequency and practice
Students who obtain a weighted average of 10 (ten) or more are exempt from the final evaluation.
Students who do not attend at least 2/3 (two-thirds) of classes or have not completed the requested work or who, in doing so, obtain a grade lower than 10 (ten) values will be excluded from the continuous and final evaluation.

Final evaluation
Students will be admitted to the final evaluation with more than 2/3 (two-thirds) of the classes and have completed the practical projects with a minimum grade of 10 points. Only theoretical content will be examined.
Approval: final mark equal to or greater than 10 (ten) values, obtained by the weighted average indicated above.

- FALWCET-TANG, R. (2007). Acabados de impressión y edicion de folletos y catálogos. Barcelona: Promopress
- FISHEL, C. (2007). El arte de la produccion creativa. Materiales, encadernació y acabados. Barcelona: Index Book S.L.
- HARRIS, P. e AMBROSE, G. (2008). Impressión y Acabados. Barcelona: Parramón Ediciones
- KIPPHAN, H. (2001). Handbook of print media: technologies and production methods. Heidelberg: Springer
- LUNARDELLI, A. e ROSSI, S. (2004). Acabamentos. Sao Paulo: Editora Lunardelli
- MC MURTRIE, D. (1982). O livro. Lisboa: Fundação Caluste Gulbelkian

Teaching Method
Presentation of the theoretical contents with support of audiovisual resources, analysis of different graphical objects. Theoretical and practical classes including exercises for implemention of the concepts taught. Field trips

Software used in class
Not applicable




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