IPT Logotipo do IPT

Ano Letivo: 2023/24

Design e Tecnologia das Artes Gráficas

Graphic Design I

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Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 9182/2020 - 25/09/2020

6 ECTS; 1º Ano, 2º Semestre, 60,0 TP + 4,0 OT , Cód. 964411.

- Vitor Dinis Carita de Jesus (1)(2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona

Not applicable

1 Master the basic visual syntax
2 Acquire comprehensive graphic visual literacy
3 Choosing, hierarchizing and manipulating typographic elements of a graphic project
4 Knowing how to draw logos
5 Knowing how to combine image and text
6 Develop institutional identity projects

1 Introduction to graphic design: syntax and visual literacy
1.1. Readability and Readability
1.2. Letter, word, phrase, text
1.3. Leading, tracking and kerning

2 Typography
2.1. letter anatomy
2.2. Sources and their families

3 Graphic composition
3.1. Design principles in graphic composition
3.1.1. Proximity
3.1.2. Contrast
3.1.3. Repetition
3.1.4. Alignment
3.2. Layout Grid/Grid
3.2.1. text and image

4 Compositional elements in design
4.1. Form
4.2. Line
4.3. contour and fill
4.4. shape and background,
4.5. Texture
4.6. Color

5 Visual identity
5.1. Logo
5.2. Corporative identity
5.3. Graphic Standards Book

Evaluation Methodology
Six exercises will be carried out throughout the semester: the first has a weight of two in the final grade; exercises two and three have a weight of three (each) in the final grade; and exercises four, five and six have a weight of four (each) in the final grade.
The dates of the assessments are duly explained in each of the ten statements delivered in class and the exercises can only be delivered within these dates, unless there is a justification that constitutes an impediment to it.
Only students who have developed at least four of the 6exercises stipulated for the curricular unit and have been present in 2/3 of the classes. In examination, the missing exercises and/or the improvements proposed by the teacher in relation to those carried out will be delivered.The final grade will be the weighted average presented above of the set of six evaluated exercises. Admission is subject to the same conditions as in the other exam periods for the special examination periods and the grade is also the result of the weighted average of the works presented and evaluated.

- Gordon, M. e Gordon, B. (2002). Diseño Grafico Digital. Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili
- Hyndman, S. (2015). Why Fonts Matter. London: Virgin Books
- Lupton, E. e Phillips, J. (2014). Diseno Gráfico - Nuevos Fundamentos. Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili
- Lupton, E. (2020). Pensar com Tipos. Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gill
- Wilde, J. e Wilde, R. (2000). Visual Literacy: A Conceptual Approach to Graphic Problem Solving. USA: Watson-Guptill Publications Inc
- Willberg, H. e Forssman, F. (2003). Primeros Auxilios en Tipografia. Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili

Teaching Method
1 Theoretical and practical lectures to support the realization of practical exercises of attendance Mandatory.
2 Practice of short-term exercises with the supervision of the teacher
3 Analysis of final results

Software used in class
Adobe PhotoShop; Adobe Illustrator and InDesign




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