IPT Logotipo do IPT

Ano Letivo: 2023/24

Cinema Documental

Cinema and Other Arts

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Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 6320/2018 - 28/06/2018

5 ECTS; 3º Ano, 1º Semestre, 60,0 TP + 3,0 OT , Cód. 817738.

- Liliana Cristina Vidais Rosa (1)(2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona

Proficiency in English

A. Identify and understand the historical and theoretical contexts of the link between cinema and other arts.
B. Develop analytical and critical skills in the face of works or artistic objects that show formal intertextuality.
C. Produce filmic objects from a dialogic basis.

1. Artistic multiplicity in filmmaking.
1.1. The presence of other arts in film production methodologies.
1.2. Creative and technical interaction between different artistic fields.
2. Dialogues and concerns between cinema and other arts.
2.1. Drama and Cinema: Greek tragedy and contemporaneity; Brechtian horizons.
2.2. Performance, dance and cinema: performative dimension and dance.
2.3. Architecture, photography and cinema: the representation of the city-arena, meeting between photography and cinema.
2.4. Cinema and fine arts: painting, animation cinema and illustration.
2.5. Poetry, literature and cinema: poetry, visible text.
3. Presentation, viewing and analysis of the exercises produced.

Evaluation Methodology
1. Continuous assessment
1.1 Regular intervention on exercises and films discussed in class (10%).
1.2 Production of 2 film exercises of approximately 5 minutes duration (each exercise is worth 30%; total of 2 exercises is worth 60%). Each film exercise should focus on a dialogue between cinema and another art (chosen by the student). Preparation of 2 pedagogical dossiers (each pedagogical dossier is worth 15%; total of the 2 exercises is worth 30%). Each pedagogical dossier must cover each of the filmic exercises produced by the students, that is, one pedagogical for each filmic exercise.

2. Exam-based assessment
2.1 Normal Season, Appeal Season and Special Season: the same 2 filmic exercises will be requested (each exercise is worth 33%; total of the 2 exercises is worth 66%) and the same 2 pedagogical dossiers (each pedagogical dossier is worth 17%; total of the 2 exercises is worth 34%) as in the context of continuous assessment (100%).

The evaluation is made in accordance with the provisions of Art. 11 of the Academic Regulation of IPT Schools. Students who obtain a grade equal to or greater than 10 values are waived from the Exam.

- Araújo, N. (2016). Cinema Português: Interseções Estéticas nas Décadas de 60 a 80 do Século XX. Lisboa: Edições 70
- Grilo, J. e Aparício, M. (2013). Cinema e Filosofia - Compêndio. Lisboa: Edições Colibri
- Oliveira, A. e Pereira, A. e Rosa, L. e Penafria, M. e Araújo, N. (2019). Cinema e Outras Artes: Diálogos e Inquietudes Artísticas I,. Covilhã: Livros Labcom, Coleção Ars.
- Rosa, L. (2017). Tragédia e Contemporaneidade no cinema de João Canijo. Silveira: Tese de Doutoramento não publicada. Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisboa.

Teaching Method
1. Theoretical and practical classes
2. Film screening and analysis
3. Practical/laboratory classes including practical exercises

Software used in class
Software used in classes
1. Platform used
1.1 Microsoft Teams

2. Software necessary to apply the acquired knowledge
2.1 Microsoft Word
2.2 Adobe Acrobat Reader
2.3 Open Office
2.4 VLC Media Player
2.5 QuickTime Player
2.6 Da Vinci Resolve




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