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Ano Letivo: 2023/24


This training in the illustration area is innovative at the current panorama of training in Portugal and is dedicated to the training of professionals specialized in illustration practice with in-depth knowledge of the most traditional technologies and simultaneously the most advanced digital tools using creative thinking technologies , drawing, printing, typographical, photographic, film and spatial processes, reflecting the integrative nature of contemporary design, communication and the media industry.


ECTS: 120


The main objective of the Senior Professional Technician in Illustration course is to meet the growing need for professionals capable of developing creative work with knowledge of the key principles, themes and debates that govern the breadth of illustration practices at today's job market scale. besides being innovative in the current panorama of training offer in Portugal. Its syllabus content, curriculum structure and model allow the attribution of in-depth knowledge of the most traditional technologies and simultaneously the most advanced digital tools, using creative thinking, drawing, printing, typographic, photographic, film and spatial technologies, reflecting the integrative nature of contemporary design, communication and the media industry. Its professional profile allows the exploration of notions of authorship and reproducible image, in order to expand the possibilities of exchange and accessibility of the work area to the traditional media and to new platforms of production and diffusion of image, as it allows to identify audiences and to be able to produce work that presents itself in the real world context and has a practicability adapted to the analog and digital media, that responds in a conscious way to the challenges in information technologies and the globalization of communication.

Professional Goals

Design, execute and develop, plan and develop optimized digital and analogical illustration solutions in its various editorial, commercial, advertising, technical and artistic aspects autonomously or integrated in multidisciplinary teams for broad audiences or specific groups, creating original content or adapting others.

Ano Letivo: 2023/24

Publication in the Diário da República: Aviso n.º 7371/2018 - 01/06/2018

Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
1º Semestre
63875 Atelier de CriatividadeDesenvolvimento pessoal 2
63871 História e teoria da Arte I 4
63872 Introdução ao Desenho 8
63873 Introdução às Tecnologias Digitais 4.5
638716 Metodologia ProjetualÁudio-visuais e produção dos media 2.5
638717 Métodos QuantitativosMatemática 3
63874 PortuguêsLíngua e literatura materna 4
2º Semestre
63879 DesenhoBelas-artes 6
638711 IlustraçãoÁudio-visuais e produção dos media 9
63877 InglêsLínguas e literaturas estrangeiras 2.5
638718 Introdução à economia e atividade comercialEconomia 2
638713 Tecnologias Digitais de RepresentaçãoÁudio-visuais e produção dos media 3
638710 Técnicas de Expressão e RepresentaçãoBelas-artes 8


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
63878 Atelier de inovação e empreendedorismoGestão e administração 2.5
63876 História e Teorias da Arte IIBelas-artes 4
638712 Ilustração TécnicaÁudio-visuais e produção dos media 11
638714 Projeto finalÁudio-visuais e produção dos media 11
2º Semestre
638715 EstágioÁudio-visuais e produção dos media 33

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona


Course coordinator

Vitor Dinis Carita de Jesus

Vitor Dinis Carita de Jesus

Gabinete: H 207
endereço de e-mail

Administrative Support Staff

Maria Odete Coelho António

Maria Odete Coelho António

Gabinete: B151
t.: 249328140
ext.: 01301
endereço de e-mail
Ano Letivo: 2023/24
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