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Real Estate Valuation and Management

Ano Letivo: 2023/24


The evolution of the Portuguese real estate market, along with the European, has seen a strong increase in demand for real estate investment by both private investors and institutional entities and large international groups. This pressure in the search for real estate also motivates the demand for technical and scientific skills in real estate appraisal and built heritage management for professionals working in the sector.

The Master's Degree in Valuation and Management of Property Assets thus aims to train professionals focused on real estate appraisal and building heritage management, trained with new research and work methodologies that guarantee excellence in performance, sustained by innovative skills developed in an academic environment focused on real estate and its stakeholders.

Taught in association with: Escola Superior de Atividades Imobiliárias


DGES Registration No.: R/A - Cr 106/2020
DGES Registration Date: 15/07/2020
ECTS: 120
Location: Tomar.

Process No.: NCE/19/1900247
Accreditation Term: 6 anos
Publication Date: 26/06/2020
A3ES Deliberation


  • Understand the real estate markets’ functioning;
  • Know the theorical–practical aspects of Property Appraisal and Management of Property Assets;
  • Learn and adapt the different value’s notions, in case of the real estate buildings;
  • Know and to be aware of main techniques and methods of the projects’ analysis of the real estate investments;
  • Understanding the concept of risk and its application in real estate investment evaluation;
  • Develop models of analysis and interpretation of the market;
    Start the practice of research on real estate;
  • Acknowledge on the domain of property evaluation and management, merging the problems arising from safety,
    quality, sustainability and environment, energy efficiency and urban planning;
  • Acquire a critical mind and ability to understand the real problems of the construction and real estate sector;
  • Acquire oral, written and graphical skills and ability to communicate the conclusions and reasoning underlying them,
    clearly and unambiguously.

Condições de Acesso

Will be considered applications from holders of national academic degree or foreign equivalent to a 1st cycle in the
areas of finance, property management, management, economics, accounting, applied mathematics to economics and
management, engineering, law and architecture, with minimum work experience of 5 years and / or previous training on
the scientific areas of Management and Property Valuation.
According to d) of Article 17 of Decree Law 74/2006 of March 24, as amended by Decree-Law No 107/2008 of 25 June,
are also evaluated other candidates deemed suitable by the scientific and pedagogic committee.
Applications will be reviewed based on the final classification of the 1st cycle, the curricular analysis and a possible
interview, if necessary for eventual tie.

Selection criteria



Ano Letivo: 2023/24

Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 8060/2020 - 19/08/2020

Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
1º Semestre
31412 AccountingContabilidade e Fiscalidade 6 João Paulo Schaller Dias Gonçalves (1)
31411 Economia do ImobiliárioEconomia 6 Miguel Coelho (1)
31414 Real Estate Taxation an Fiscal LawContabilidade e Fiscalidade 6 Miguel Baptista (1)
31413 Real Estate and Property LawDireito 6 Mario Barros (1)
31415 Tecnologia e Gestão da ConstruçãoConstrução 6 Jorge Mascarenhas (1)(2)
Luis Almeida (2)
2º Semestre
31416 Conservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of BuildingsConstrução 6 Cristina Margarida Costa (1)(2)
314110 Construction SustainabilityConstrução 6 Anabela Moreira (1)(2)
31418 Digital Tools for Real Estate Asset ManagementConstrução 6 Cristina Margarida Costa (2)
Carlos Rente (2)
Inês Serrano (1)(2)
31417 Operational Planning and UrbanismUrbanismo 6 Patrícia Canelas (1)(2)
31419 Property ValuationImobiliário 6 Vitor Reis (1)(2)


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
314113 Advanced Real Estate Appraisal ModelsImobiliário 6 Paulo Jorge Norte Castanheira (1)(2)
314115 Facility ManagementImobiliário 6 Paula Alexandra Lourenço dos Santos (1)(2)
314114 Property Development and InvestmentImobiliário 6 João Alexandre Correia Gomes (1)(2)
314112 Property Management and Property Investment Funds ManagementImobiliário 6 Norberto Manuel Soares Coelho (1)(2)
314111 Real Estate FinanceGestão e Administração 6 Vítor Manuel Branco Oliveira (1)(2)
António Reynolds Castel-Branco (2)
2º Semestre
314116 ProjectImobiliário 30 Vitor Reis (2)
Cristina Margarida Costa (1)(2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona


Taught in association with: Escola Superior de Atividades Imobiliárias


Course coordinator

Cristina Margarida Rodrigues Costa

Cristina Margarida Rodrigues Costa

Gabinete: L208
t.: +351249328100
ext.: 7170
endereço de e-mail

Erasmus coordinator

Cristina Margarida Rodrigues Costa

Cristina Margarida Rodrigues Costa

Gabinete: L208
t.: +351249328100
ext.: 7170
endereço de e-mail

Administrative Support Staff

Susana Filipa dos Santos Ferreira Marques Masague

Susana Filipa dos Santos Ferreira Marques Masague

Gabinete: I215
t.: 249328170
ext.: 01303
endereço de e-mail
Ano Letivo: 2023/24
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