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Ano Letivo: 2022/23

Marketing Digital

Desenvolvimento de Produtos Digitais

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Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 4719/2022 de 21/04/2022

5 ECTS; 2º Ano, 1º Semestre, 28,0 PL + 28,0 TP + 14,0 OT , Cód. 605918.

- José António Ribeiro Mendes (1)
- Joana Leiria Cabral Ferreira (2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona


1.Students must have a good understanding of what a product is, from its concept to its recycling. Digitizing the product in diferrent file formats is essential either text, sound, photography, video, 3d, 4d, possibly with virtual reality and augmented reality.
2. Know existing applications on the market, free or not, to manage the product life cycle (PLMs - Product LifeCycle Management). Furthermore, identify the activities that can be developed with these applications.
3.Understand that today the business trend is to be done on e-commerce platforms checking some platforms and know the existence of European market and services acts.
4.Analyze Smart Business as the new paradigm for product management.
5.Try Digital Marketing tools on the internet and social media to promote a Digital Product with a Digital Marketing Campaign

1. Life cycle of a product: from its concept and creation, market launch, sales growth, sales maturity, decline and to recycling. Digitize the product using various file formats text, sound, photography, video, 3d, 4d formats, possibly with virtual reality and augmented reality. Factors that influence the life cycle.
2. Know existing applications on the market, free or not, to manage the product life cycle (PLMs - Product LifeCycle Management); SAP, Siemens, Oracle, etc. Applications connected to the internet, on digital platforms that support the product as a "digital twin", the internet of things (IoT-Internet of Things), learning and advanced analysis of data preferably stored in the cloud. Furthermore, identify the activities that can be developed with these applications.
3.Understand that today the business trend is to be done on e-commerce platforms, experimenting in practice with Booking and AirBnb on the product owner's side. Know the existence of European acts regulating markets and digital services.
4.Analyze Smart Business as the new paradigm for product management - strategic and operational, sales and distribution. Analyze practical examples.
5.Experiment with Digital Marketing tools on the internet and social networks to promote a Marketing Campaign for a digital product on Google (Search and YouTube), on Meta (Facebook and Instagram) and on TikTok. Create a Product and run a digital marketing Campaign and analyze and optimize results.
Four case studies will be developed with a 4-step methodology: presentation of the supposed client; work development; presentation of proposals; discussion and selection of the best proposal.

Evaluation Methodology
Analysis and development of four practical case proposals - 50%;
Testing and developing a digital product and designing a digital marketing campaign - 50%.


Teaching Method
Expository lectures and practical classes.

Software used in class
MS Office
Free PLMs samples
Booking and Airbnb as a owner




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