Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 4406/2017 - 22/05/2017
5 ECTS; 1º Ano, 1º Semestre, 30,0 TP , Cód. 92952.
- Anícia Rute Rebelo Teves Conceição Trindade (2)
- Célio Gonçalo Cardoso Marques (1)(2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable.
The main objective of this module is to provide contact with a variety of theoretical and methodological assumptions that serve as a basis for the development of investigative processes leading to the development of a research project.
a) The nature of scientific research;
b) Paradigms in research: positivist, interpretive and sociocrítico;
c) Research methodologies;
d) Methods/research plans;
e) The formulation of a problem, the research question and the respective hypothesis;
f) Review of the literature;
g) Information sources for research in in business sciences;
h) Data collection techniques: selection and triangulation;
i) Data collection tools: development and validation;
j) Collection, treatment and analysis of data;
k) Ethical Aspects to be considered in a scientific study;
l) Organization and formal writing of a scientific document.
Evaluation Methodology
Knowledge acquired will be assessed through an individual research work in continuous assessment and examination (100%).
- Barañano, A. (2004). Métodos e técnicas de investigação em Gestão. Manual de apoio à realização de trabalhos de investigação.. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo
- Bryman, A. e Bell, E. (2007). Business research method.. Oxford: Oxford University Press
- Gill, J. e Johnson, P. (2002). Research methods for managers.. London: Sage Publications
- Myers, M. (2013). Qualitative Research in Business and Management.. London: Sage.
- Yin, R. (2008). Case Study Research. Design and Methods.. London: Sage Publications
Teaching Method
The teaching/learning methodologies involve theoretical presentations, practical problem solving, demonstrations, discussions and tutorials.
Software used in class
- Microsoft Word;
- Microsoft Excel;
- Web 2.0 tools;
- Mendeley;
- Plagiarism detection software;
- Moodle.