4 ECTS; 2º Ano, 1º Semestre, 30,0 T + 30,0 TP , Cód. 908914.
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable.
I-Know the different processes of construction and execution on site including various techniques, function of components, execution sequences and equipment.
II-Know how to choose the most appropriate process for a task
1-Preparatory works;2 Demolitions;3-Foundations (direct, indirect and basements);4-Soil Containment;5-Traditional exterior wall (functional requirements);6- Structural frames of buildings(wood, concrete and metal);7-Roof structures;8-Components and demands of various construction details;9-Formwork;10-Special Construction Processes;11-Prefabrication
Evaluation Methodology
Continuos evaluation and examination
The unit is taught in 2 parts (part1 and 2)
In part 1, a written test T1 (50%)
In part 2, a written test T2 (25%) a 4 written works (25%)
Final classification(CF)=0,5xT1+0,25xT2+0,25xP
Exemption from exam: CF iqual or more 9,5
Admission to exam: Cf less than 9,5
Exam: a written test
- Mascarenhas, J. (2003). Sistemas de Construção Vol I. (Vol. I). (pp. 220-250). Lisboa: Livros Horizonte
- Mascarenhas, J. (2003). Sistemas de Construção Vol I. (Vol. I). (pp. 220-250). Lisboa: Livros Horizonte
- Mascarenhas, J. (2004). Sistemas de Construção, Paredes, Vol II. (Vol. II). (pp. 220-250). Lisboa: Livros Horizonte
- Mascarenhas, J. (2004). Sistemas de Construção, Paredes, Vol II. (Vol. II). (pp. 220-250). Lisboa: Livros Horizonte
- Mascarenhas, J. (2005). Sistemas de Construção, Vol IV. (Vol. IV). (pp. 220-250). Lisboa: Livros Horizonte
- Mascarenhas, J. (2005). Sistemas de Construção, Vol IV. (Vol. IV). (pp. 220-250). Lisboa: Livros Horizonte
Teaching Method
The subject is taught using numerous illustrations that show in detail how the various processes are performed. Classes are supported by textbooks specially designed by a subject lecturer on practical work
Software used in class
Not applicable.