5 ECTS; 3º Ano, 1º Semestre, 30,0 T + 15,0 PL + 4,0 OT , Cód. 9054726.
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable.
1. Students should acquire knowledge about possible business crises.
2. One of the objectives of the UC is to teach students the best way to communicate according to possible crises.
3. The UC also aims to ensure that students understand how to deal with the crisis and what a crisis plan is.
4. The ultimate goal is to understand how to communicate the crisis.
1. Theoretical Framework and Definitions
1.1. Business Crisis Concept
1.2. Crisis Communication
2. Types of Crisis
2.1. Predictable Crises
2.2. Structural Crises
3. Communication Strategy for the different types of crisis
3.1. Proactive Strategy
3.2. Reactive Strategy
4. How to deal with the Crisis:
4.1. Crisis identification
4.2. Facing the crisis
4.3. Crisis resolution
4.4. Post-crisis management
5. Crisis Manual
5.1. Main stages of preparing the Crisis Manual
6. Crisis Communication
6.1. Crisis communication exercises
Evaluation Methodology
The evaluation of this curricular unit comprises a frequency (50%) and an assignment (50%).
Exam: written test.
- Lampreia, J. (2007). Da Gestão de Crise ao Marketing de Crise. Lisboa: Texto Editores
- Marques Mendes, A. e Costa Pereira, F. (2006). CRISES - de Ameaças a Oportunidades: Gestão Estratégica de Comunicação de Crises.. Lisboa: Silabo
- Mocho, A. (2021). Crise nas Empresas Comunicação com os Media. Lisboa: Bnomics
- Zaremba, A. (2015). Crisis Communication: Theory and Practice.. London: M.E. Sharpe
Teaching Method
The teaching methodologies of the curricular unit include expository and theoretical analysis classes and practical classes in which exercises are possible.
Software used in class