Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 15239/2016 - 19/12/2016
5 ECTS; 1º Ano, 2º Semestre, 30,0 T + 30,0 TP , Cód. 81428.
- Paula Alexandra Geraldes Portugal (1)(2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable
Students should be able to perform calculations involving Newton's law, hydrostatics basics law, continuity law, Bernoulli's equation, continuous energy loss, and pump and turbine's power.
1 - Fluid Properties
1.1 - External forces
1.2 - Volumic mass, volumic weight and density
1.3 - Compressibility
1.4 - Viscosity
1.5 - Surface tension and capillarity
1.6 - Vapor tension
1.7 - Pressure
2 - Hydrostatics
2.1 - Hydrostatics basics law
2.2 - Absolute and relative pressures
2.3 - Manometers
3 - Hydrokinemics
3.1 - Trajectory and Flow line
3.2 - Types of flows
3.3 - Flow and average velocity
3.4 - Laminar and turbulent flows
4 - Hydrodynamics - Principles
4.1 - Bernoulli's Theorem
4.2 - Piezometric and power lines. Piezometer and Pitot tube
4.3 - Hydraulic power. Pumps and turbines
5 - Hydrodynamics - Resistance Laws
5.1 - Tangential stress at the solid boundary
5.2 - Reynolds's Experiments
5.3 - Darcy Equation for Friction Factor calculation
5.4 - Colebrook-white Formulas and Equilibrium Diagram
Evaluation Methodology
Continuous assessment: 3 written individual tests with no possibility of consulting written material. The final grade is the arithmetic mean of the 3 grades achieved. Approval is granted with a rating of 9.5 or higher.
Exams: Written test divided into 3 parts, corresponding to the three tests of continuous assessment. Approval is granted with a rating of 9.5 or higher.
- Darby, R. e Chhabra, . (2017). Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics. Boca Raton (Florida - USA): CRC Press
- McDonald, A. e Pritchard, P. e Fox, R. (2010). Introduction to Fluid Mechanics. Asia: John Wiley and Sons
- Quintela, A. (2000). Hidráulica. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
- White, F. (2011). Mecânica dos Fluidos. São Paulo: AMGH Editora, Lda (McGraw-Hill)
Teaching Method
Theoretical classes where the concepts and laws of fluid mechanics are presented, and theoretical-practical classes where exercises are proposed to be solved by students under the guidance of the teacher.
Software used in class
Not applicable