Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 14880/2013 de 15/11/2013
6 ECTS; 1º Ano, 1º Semestre, 30,0 T + 45,0 TP , Cód. 964149.
- Luis Miguel Lindinho da Cunha Mendes Grilo (2)
- Ana Cristina Becerra Nata dos Santos (1)(2)
- Maria João da Costa Antunes Inácio (2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable.
Provide students with basic tools for analyzing data that independently support information analysis and decision-making.
I - Descriptive Statistics; II - Introduction to Statistical Inference; III - Regression and Correlation; IV - Multiple Regression Models; V - Discriminant Analysis; VI - Factorial Analysis in Principal Component; VII - Cluster Analysis.
Evaluation Methodology
Continuous assessment: 3 midterm tests (F1,F2,F3) and 1 assignment (T). Minimum mark is 5/20. First test is closed book, the in second and third tests an A4 hand-written page can be used. Final grade through following formula:CF=0.25F1+0.25F2+0.3F3+.
- Bispo, R. e Maroco, J. (2005). Estatística Aplicada às Ciências Sociais e Humanas. Lisboa: McGraw Hill
- Maroco, J. (2004). Análise Estatística com a Utilização do SPSS. Lisboa: McGraw Hill
- Sarsfiels Cabral, J. e Guimarães, R. (2005). Estatística. Lisboa: McGraw Hill
Teaching Method
Lectures with a strong interaction between theory and practice. Theoretical-practical classes focusing on the resolution of case studies using Google Docs, Geogebra and SPSS.
Software used in class