Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 3359/2013 - 01/03/2013
4.5 ECTS; 1º Ano, 2º Semestre, 30,0 PL + 2,0 O , Cód. 964444.
- António Martiniano Ventura (1)(2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable
Understand the photographic process, its evolution and application as a method of recording, producing, reproducing and disseminating images.
Provide the development of conceptual and operational skills to carry out "photo-graphic" products.
1 - Photography as a process, and its areas of interest: the Object, the Camera and the Registry;
2 - Light and Object: basic lighting techniques in photography;
3 - The formation of the image: framing, exposure control, focus and sharpness;
4 - The formation of the image: point of view and focal distance;
5 - The photographic image: technical or artisanal image?
6 - The photographic record as technique of manufacture, reproduction and dissemination of images;
7 - Photography as a communication process;
8 - Photography and narrative;
Evaluation Methodology
As this course unit requires an active participation of the student, assessment will be on an ongoing basis.
Thus, for each of the proposed Experimental Projects, developed in class, individual technical report will be requested. It will be proposed a practical work to be solved by small groups. The final grade will result from the weighted average obtained between the individual assessment, weighing 60% and the assessment in the group work, weighing 40%. The exam must include written test and the presentation of the individual reports related to the follow-up of the Experimental Projects developed in practical class.
- Hurburt, A. (1985). Diseño fotográfico: interacción del diseño con la fotografía. (Vol. 1). (pp. 1-127). Barcelona1: Gustavo Gili
- Melo, C. (0). Manual de Fotografia Digital. Acedido em 9 de novembro de 2014 em
- Soudo, J. e Silveira Ramos, M. (0). Manual de Técnicas Fotográficas. Acedido em 9 de novembro de 2014 em
- Ventura, A. (0). Para uma didática da imagem - Leitura e análise da imagem. Acedido em 10 de novembro de 2014 em
Teaching Method
A set of successive exercises allow the students to reflect on three basic questions: What is photography?; What's the purpose of photography? and How does photography work?
Software used in class
not applicable