Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 9786/2014 de 29/07/2014
6 ECTS; 1º Ano, 1º Semestre, 30,0 T + 15,0 TP , Cód. 364123.
- Luís Manuel Mota dos Santos Figueira (2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable
Students should understand and be able to act in the culture-tourism relationship as a qualified professional; integrate knowledge/skills/competencies to solve, produce, design and organise expert proposals for the development of cultural tourism products.
1. Tourism and cultural tourism
2. The culture-tourism-creativity relationship
3. Creative territories and cities
4. Tourism products from the local and regional perspective
Evaluation Methodology
Ongoing assessment
Individual or group project work (written report and public defense)
Minimum grade of 10/20 exempts students from taking final exam.
- Gastal, S. (2000). Turismo - 9 propostas para um saber-fazer. Porto Alegre: Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul
- Portugal, I. (2013). PENT- Plano estratégico nacional do turismo. Lisboa: Ministério da Economia
- Reisinger, Y. (2009). International Tourism - Cultures and Bheavior. New York: Elsevier
- Du Cros, H. e Mckercher, B. (2002). Cultural Tourism - The Partnership Between Tourism and Cultural Heritage Management. New York: Routledge
Teaching Method
Literature reviews
Class presentations (on related topics)
Field trips
Demonstrations, case studies and practical cases
Written report and public presentation
Software used in class