Publication in the Diário da República: Ext Ata Reun n.23 CTC-ESTT
10 ECTS; 1º Ano, 1º Semestre, 15,0 T + 90,0 PL + 15,0 OT , Cód. 96431.
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Basic knowledge of painting and drawing.
Introduction to painting practices classical technologies and
experimental practice. Development of the critical skills that enable the students to articulate between project, execution and critique.
1.Introduction: The space in pictorial language and their interrelations. Painting materials and equipment. 2. Ways of interpreting 3. Structure in two-dimensional spaces - the composition; 5.The color 6. Space and personal expression. 7. Space and Human Figure 8. Effects and tricks: Painted textures and volumes.
Evaluation Methodology
Continuous assessment through coursework carried out in class.
Final Assessment - the students who have obtained a minimum of 10 (0/20 scale)are exempted from examination.
- Arnheim, R. (1980). Arte & Percepção Visual - Uma psicologia da visão criadora, pioneira Thomson. São Paulo: Pioneira Thomson
- Asunción, J. (2005). Cor- Pintura Criativa. Lisboa: Editorial Estampa
- Parramón, J. (2000). Efeitos e Truques-Pintando Texturas e Volumes. Barcelona: Edições Lema
- Smith, R. (2003). Manual prático do Artista-Equipamento Materiais Procedimento Técnicas. Lisboa: Civilização Editores
Teaching Method
Lectures including description and illustrative examples of different
painting and drawing techniques. Practical classes in which
application exercises are proposed and solved.
Software used in class