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Electrical and Computer Engineering (pós-laboral)

Ano Letivo: 2014/15
 A pathway with future !!


Provide a solid scientific, technological and social learning, supported by a programme and courses that includes contact with real situations and laboratories experiences. This cycle of studies is based on the development of a diverse set of skills and competencies that permits excellent career opportunities and pursue postgraduate studies.


ECTS: 180


 Provide a solid scientific, technological and social learning, supported by a programme and courses that includes contact with real situations and laboratories experiences. This cycle of studies is based on the development of a diverse set of skills and competencies that permits excellent career opportunities and pursue postgraduate studies.

Professional Goals


The Electrotechnical and Computer Engineeringdegree (LEEC) was designed so as to provide the students with sound scientific and technological foundations in order to meet the present and future requirements of the labour market. Graduates of this degree are offered a wide range of career opportunities which translates into high employment rates.

Comprising two major areas (Industrial Automation and Energy), the degree aims at delivering first-cycle level professionals prepared to perform duties with scientific accuracy and technological timeliness in the various electricity and electronics related domains. Graduates of this degree acquire varied and versatile skills to conceive, design, plan and implement systems in areas such as control, automation, robotics, energy, machinery, electrical vehicles, electrical installations, domotics, electronics, telecommunications and production and use of electrical power.

Throughout each academic year, extra-class activities are performed, namely seminars, conferences and field trips that greatly contribute to the scientific training of students and their contact with the industrial reality.

The programme guidelines place special emphasis on R&D of applied projects in partnership with companies, business associations (Nersant), business associations (Acitofeba), industrial innovation laboratory (Line.ipt) and research institutions (TI - Telecommunications Institute, and ISR - Institute for Systems and Robotics) as a strategic motor of economical development, innovation and growth of productive capacity.

Condições de Acesso

In order to be eligible to this bachelor's degree, students must hold the high-school diploma or legally equivalent qualification with mandatory aproval in the next entry Subjects:
- Mathematics and Physics-Chemistry

Application can also be made through the following special entry routes:
- Students coming from the Portuguese education system through re-admission, degree change and transfer schemes;
- Holders of a Foundation Course Diploma (CET);
- Adults aged more than 23 who have passed tailor-made examinations intended to assess their ability to pursue higher education studies;
- Holders of Intermediary or Graduate degree diplomas;
- Students coming from foreign higher education.

The degree in Electronics and Computer Engineering also accepts:
- Students who have completed the technological specialisation course (CET) in Electrical Installations and Industrial Automation providing equivalence to 5 modules of the degree.
- Students who have completed the technological specialisation course (CET) in Automation, Robotics and Industrial Control providing equivalence to 5 modules of the degree.


Ano Letivo: 2014/15

Publication in the Diário da República: 2008/09 Bolonha Pós-Laboral

Plano curricular
Cód. UC Ramo Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
1º Semestre
91123 AlgebraTronco ComumMatemática 6
91122 Digital SystemsTronco ComumSistemas Digitais e Computadores 6
91121 Mathematical Analysis ITronco ComumMatemática 6
91125 PhysicsTronco ComumFisica 6
91124 Programming and AlgorithmicsTronco ComumSistemas Digitais e Computadores 6
2º Semestre
91129 Circuit AnalysisTronco ComumElectrónica 6
911210 Computer Architecture and Operating SystemsTronco ComumSistemas Digitais e Computadores 6
91127 ElectromagnetismTronco ComumFisica 6
91126 Mathematical Analysis IITronco ComumMatemática 6
91128 Programação Orientada a ObjectosTronco ComumSistemas Digitais e Computadores 6


Plano curricular
Cód. UCRamoArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
911211 Bases de DadosTronco ComumSistemas Digitais e Computadores 6
911214 Electrical InstallationsTronco ComumEnergia 6
911213 Electronics ITronco ComumElectrónica 6
911212 Mathematics Applied to ElectrotechnicsTronco ComumMatemática 6
911215 Project Planning and ManagementTronco ComumCiências Empresariais 6
2º Semestre
911219 Materials and Power Conversion (Major in Energy)EnergiaEnergia 6
911216 Electronics IIAutomação IndustrialElectrónica 6
911232 Fundamentals of Power Systems (Major in Industrial Automation)Automação IndustrialEnergia 6
911231 Fundamentals of Telecommunications (Major in Industrial Automation)Automação IndustrialTelecomunicações 6
911218 Instrumentation ElectronicsAutomação IndustrialElectrónica 6
911220 Legislation and Design of Electrical Installations (Major in Energy)EnergiaEnergia 6
911217 Systems EnergiaSistemas, Controlo e Automação 6


Plano curricular
Cód. UCRamoArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
911230 Final ProjectAutomação IndustrialProjecto 12
1º Semestre
911221 ControlEnergiaSistemas, Controlo e Automação 6
911233 Data Network (Major in Industrial Automation)Automação IndustrialTelecomunicações 6
911224 Electrical Machines (Major in Energy)EnergiaEnergia 6
911234 Electromechanical Drives (Major in Industrial Automation)Automação IndustrialEnergia 6
911222 Industrial AutomationAutomação IndustrialSistemas, Controlo e Automação 6
911223 Power Electronics (Major in Energy)EnergiaElectrónica 6
2º Semestre
911229 Control of Electromechanical Drives (Major in EnergyEnergiaEnergia 6
911236 Embedded Systems (Major in Industrial Automation)Automação IndustrialSistemas, Controlo e Automação 6
911227 Energy Quality and Management (Major in Energy)EnergiaEnergia 6
911235 Industrial Networks (Major in Industrial Automation)Automação IndustrialSistemas, Controlo e Automação 6
911237 Industrial Robotics (Major in Industrial Automation)Automação IndustrialSistemas, Controlo e Automação 6
911226 MaintenanceEnergiaEnergia 6
911228 Supply and Microgeneration of Energy (Major in Energy)EnergiaEnergia 6

Publication in the Diário da República: NI n.º1395|ESTT|2011

Plano curricular
Cód. UC Ramo Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
1º Semestre
91123 AlgebraTronco ComumMatemática 6
911238 Database ApplicationsTronco ComumSistemas Digitais e Computadores 3
91122 Digital SystemsTronco ComumSistemas Digitais e Computadores 6
911239 Electronic Engineering LaboratoriesTronco ComumSistemas, Controlo e Automação 3
91121 Mathematical Analysis ITronco ComumMatemática 6
91124 Programming and AlgorithmicsTronco ComumSistemas Digitais e Computadores 6
2º Semestre
91129 Circuit AnalysisTronco ComumElectrónica 5
911241 Computer-Aided Design and ManufacturingTronco ComumSistemas Digitais e Computadores 3
91126 Mathematical Analysis IITronco ComumMatemática 6
91125 PhysicsTronco ComumFisica 6
911240 Programming TechniquesTronco ComumSistemas Digitais e Computadores 5
911215 Project Planning and ManagementTronco ComumCiências Empresariais 5


Plano curricular
Cód. UCRamoArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
911210 Computer Architecture and Operating SystemsEnergiaSistemas Digitais e Computadores 6
911214 Electrical InstallationsEnergiaEnergia 6
91127 ElectromagnetismEnergiaFisica 6
911213 Electronics IEnergiaElectrónica 6
911212 Mathematics Applied to ElectrotechnicsEnergiaMatemática 6
2º Semestre
911219 Materials and Power Conversion (Major in Energy)EnergiaEnergia 6
911216 Electronics IIEnergiaElectrónica 6
911232 Fundamentals of Power Systems (Major in Industrial Automation)Automação IndustrialEnergia 6
911231 Fundamentals of Telecommunications (Major in Industrial Automation)Automação IndustrialTelecomunicações 6
911218 Instrumentation ElectronicsEnergiaElectrónica 6
911220 Legislation and Design of Electrical Installations (Major in Energy)EnergiaEnergia 6
911217 Systems Automação IndustrialSistemas, Controlo e Automação 6


Plano curricular
Cód. UCRamoArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
911230 Final ProjectEnergiaProjecto 12
1º Semestre
911221 ControlEnergiaSistemas, Controlo e Automação 6
911233 Data Network (Major in Industrial Automation)Automação IndustrialTelecomunicações 6
911224 Electrical Machines (Major in Energy)EnergiaEnergia 6
911234 Electromechanical Drives (Major in Industrial Automation)Automação IndustrialEnergia 6
911222 Industrial AutomationEnergiaSistemas, Controlo e Automação 6
911223 Power Electronics (Major in Energy)EnergiaElectrónica 6
2º Semestre
911229 Control of Electromechanical Drives (Major in EnergyEnergiaEnergia 6
911236 Embedded Systems (Major in Industrial Automation)Automação IndustrialSistemas, Controlo e Automação 6
911227 Energy Quality and Management (Major in Energy)EnergiaEnergia 6
911235 Industrial Networks (Major in Industrial Automation)Automação IndustrialSistemas, Controlo e Automação 6
911237 Industrial Robotics (Major in Industrial Automation)Automação IndustrialSistemas, Controlo e Automação 6
911226 MaintenanceAutomação IndustrialEnergia 6
911228 Supply and Microgeneration of Energy (Major in Energy)EnergiaEnergia 6

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona


Ano Letivo: 2014/15
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