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TeSP – Higher Vocational Education

These courses of study are offered by the “Ensino Superior Politécnico” and you must earn 120 ECTS to gain the Diploma.

It does not grant a Degree meaning that you will only be awarded a “Técnico Superior Profissional” Diploma.

The duration is two years, four semesters including course units divided in general and specific components, technical training and internship

Holders of a TeSP diploma can access and enter an Undergraduate Degree (Licenciatura) or an Integrated Master's degree (Mestrado Integrado) through a special admission pathway, acquiring the respective academic degree.

 Applications:  from 15-04-2024 to 24-05-2024


More informations here 


   Application Documents

More information on applications here: https://portal2.ipt.pt/pt/candidaturas/


The payment must be made using the following IBAN:

IBAN: PT50 0781 0112 0000 0001 2791 7


ADDRESS: Quinta do Contador, 2300 Tomar

Polytechnic Institute of Tomar

Organization NIF: 503767549


       Do you have any doubts? Contact balcaounico@ipt.pt


Bachelors - 1st Cycle degree programmes

Enrolment as an International student - Admission and Entry Criteria and Requirements

You may apply for a bachelor’s degree programme at Instituto Politécnico de Tomar under the International Student Statute if you do not have Portuguese nationality and if:

a) You are not a citizen of an EU member state;

b) You have not been living in Portugal for more than two years on a continual basis as on August 31 of the year in which you intend to attend the IPT as well as your co-habiting children;

c) You have not applied for entry via the special entrance schemes or exchange schemes;

and if

d) You hold a qualification that entitles you to apply and be admitted to a higher education establishment of the country that awarded the qualification; or

e) You hold a Portuguese Secondary School Diploma or equivalent qualification


Applications: 1st period: from 05-02-2025 to 10-04-2025

Aplications: 2nd period: from 13-06-2025 to 20-06-2025

Application fee: 200€

Anual fees - Between 1400€ and 1600€


 → HOW TO APPLYhttp://portal2.ipt.pt/en/candidaturas/estudante_internacional/


National higher education admission system

If you have been living in Portugal for over 2 years or if you are from an EU country and want to apply for one of our bachelor degrees, you must do it through the National Higher Education Admission System organised by the Directorate General for Higher Education (DGES) Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education.


→ HOW TO APPLYhttps://www.dges.gov.pt/en/pagina/general-information-national-call


Masters - 2nd Cycle degree programmes

If you want to apply for a Master you can see our current educational offer here http://www.gri.ipt.pt/?pag=6&lng=EN. Here you will also find the application criteria and requirements.  

Applications: From April 14 to May 9, 2025 - Here

Application fee: 200€

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