Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 7571/2019 - 26/08/2019
15 ECTS; 3º Ano, Anual, 84,0 TP , Cód. 818632.
- José Júlio Firmino das Neves (2)
- Inês Domingues Serrano (1)(2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Evaluation Methodology
The projects are supervised by a lecturer from the training area and there may be co-supervisors.
Assessment includes the following components: progress report and interim presentation (20%); project portfolio and final report (40%); presentation, demonstration and final discussion (40%).
Teaching Method
The student develops original work in the field of operation and maintenance, with the specific technical and scientific support of the module instructors.
Software used in class