Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 10366/2022 - 24/08/2022 (Parceria ESTT/ESAI) + Despacho n.º 3227/2025, de 12/03/2025
5 ECTS; 2º Ano, Anual, 56,0 TP , Cód. 908958.
- Ana Paula Gerardo Machado (1)(2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable
-Know and apply the stress-strain relationship in sandy and clayey soils
- Know and apply the principles and data related to the behavior of confined and unconfined clay strata and the theory of consolidation
-Knowing the tests for consolidation and knowing how to interpret the results
-Knowing and applying the material on soil shear resistance
-Knowing the tests that allow determining the shear strength parameters.
-Know and apply theories related to the calculation of earth impulses on supporting walls
-Knowing the methods and techniques for prospecting and field and laboratory tests, knowing how to request studies and geotechnical works suitable for the work, interpreting graphics and results and making decisions
-Know and use methods, techniques and instrumentation for observation, measurement and monitoring of geotechnical works. Control and manage equipment and data.
-Know and apply Eurocode 7.
I - Compressibility and consolidation of clay layers: stress-strain in soils under confinement conditions, weather effects, different types of clayey soils, edometric testing and determination of parameters for calculation of settlements and consolidation. Terzaghi Consolidation Theory. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional consolidation. Biot theory. Terzaghi Theory solutions for any distributions of the initial neutral pressure excesses. Secondary consolidation. Accelerating consolidation. 2 - Shear strength: Tresca and Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria, tests to determine the shear strength in laboratory, Mohr-Coulomb envelope based on the test results. Shear strength and stress-strain relationships in sands and clays. Neutral pressure parameters.3 - Earth impulses. 4-Stability of slopes in rock and soil. Methods for calculation. Techniques for stabilization. 5- Geotechnical investigation and testing. 6- Monitoring. 7- Eurocode 7. Exercise resolution. Exercise resolution.
Evaluation Methodology
The assessment consists of a written test, at the different assessment periods, including theoretical and practical components. Pass requirements: a mark of at least 40% in each component and a minimum global mark of 9.5 in 20.
- Cernica , J. (1995). Geotechnical Engineering: Soil Mechanics. . USA: John Wiley & Sons
- Fernandes, M. (2016). Mecânica dos Solos: conceitos e princípios fundamentais . (Vol. 1). Porto: FEUP
- Fernandes, M. (2017). Mecânica dos Solos: Introdução à engenharia geotécnica. (Vol. 2). Porto: FEUP
- Reid, D. e Berry, . (1993). An Introduction to Soil Mechanics. . UK : MacGarw-HILL.
Teaching Method
Theoretical and interactive classes focusing on the key aspects of the curricular unit. Illustrative examples of practical construction work. Exercise solving and laboratory testing.
Software used in class
Not applicable