Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 10366/2022 - 24/08/2022 (Parceria ESTT/ESAI) + Despacho n.º 3227/2025, de 12/03/2025
5 ECTS; 1º Ano, Anual, 42,0 TP , Cód. 908949.
- Cristina Margarida Rodrigues Costa (1)(2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Understand the fundamentals of the mechanical behaviour of deformable solids subjected to the action of external forces. Understand and apply the methodologies for analyzing stresses and strains in prismatic parts subject to axial internal forces, bending, shear and torsion, as well as the basic principles of structural safety and elastic instability, which constitute the necessary bases for the design of structural prismatic elements.
Fundamental concepts of Strength of Materials: Hookes Law; small deformation hypothesis; principle of overlapping effects; S.Venant principle; plane sections hypothesis; slender elements; stresses and deformations.
General safety criteria: characteristic and design values of the loadings and strengths of materials; ultimate limit states and serviceability limit states.
Analysis of stress and deformation of prismatic bars subjected to simple and combined internal forces: pure tension and compression; pure plane and inclined bending; composed circular bending; shear; torsion.
Elastic instability in prismatic bars.
Evaluation Methodology
Continuous assessment (contact period/época de frequência):
- Two written tests - PE1 and PE2 - carried out during the contact period/frequência (on a date to be defined with the students), each rated for 20 points and with a weight of 0.4 in the final classification.
- A practical work - TP - individual, carried out during the contact period/frequência (delivered on a date to be defined with the students), quoted for 20 points and with a weight of 0.2 in the final classification.
The final classification (CF) corresponds to the sum of the weighted classifications:
The minimum final classification for approval corresponds to 10 out of 20.
Assessment by exam (exam period):
- A written exam test (PEE) carried out during the exam period (época de exame or exame de recurso), quoted for 20 points.
The final classification (CF) corresponds to the written test classification: CF=PEE.
The minimum final classification for approval corresponds to 10 out of 20.
- Farinha, J. (1996). Tabelas Técnicas. (Vol. 1). Lisboa: ETL, Lda
- JUVANDES, L. (2003). Resistência de Materiais 1 e 2. Porto: FEUP
- NASH, W. e Potter, M. (2014). Resistência de Materiais. Porto Alegre: BOOKMAN
- Silva, V. (2013). Mecânica e Resistência dos Materiais. Coimbra: Zuari
Teaching Method
Theoretical-practical classes to present and discuss the application of the concepts and fundamentals of the strength of materials, and practical cases of design and safety verifications of prismatic parts are proposed for resolution and discussion.
Software used in class