Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 10366/2022 - 24/08/2022 (Parceria ESTT/ESAI) + Despacho n.º 3227/2025, de 12/03/2025
6 ECTS; 1º Ano, Anual, 56,0 TP , Cód. 908943.
- Fernando Manuel Lino Gonçalves Antunes (1)(2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not aplicable
Developing skills for solving problems on statics of particles and rigid bodies at rest in line with the current civil engineering applications.
1.Introduction to vectorial mechanics. 2.Applied Statics: loading systems; support conditions; structural systems. 3.Concept and properties of hinges, pistons and slides. 4.Equilibrium of isostatic structures: support reactions, free-body diagrams and internal forces. 5.Plane trusses: stability and determinacy, methods to determine axial forces. 6.Cables. 7. Three hinged arches.
Evaluation Methodology
The assessment consists of a written test: frequency, exam or appeal exam.
The written test will have a classification of 20 values.
The student will be approved if he obtains 9.5 or more values in these written tests.
- BEER, F. e JOHNSTON, R. (2005). Mecânica Vetorial para Engenheiros. : Mc Graw Hill
- Beer, F. e Johnston, R. (2006). Mecânica Vetorial para Engenheiros: Estática. Rio de Janeiro: McGraw Hill
- Campanari, F. (1985). Teoria das Estruturas. (Vol. I e II). Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Dois
- Fonseca, A. (1976). Curso de Mecânica. (Vol. II). Rio de Janeiro: Livros Técnicos e Científicos
- Gorfin, B. e Oliveira, M. (1975). Estruturas Isostáticas. Rio de Janeiro: Livros Técnicos e Científicos
- OLIVEIRA, M. e GORFIN, B. (1975). Estruturas Isostáticas. Rio de Janeiro: Livros Técnicos e Científicos S. A.
Apontamentos da disciplina de Estática - IST/DEC. Lisboa: IST-DEC
Apontamentos da disciplina de Mecânica 1 - FEUP/DEC. Porto: FEUP-DEC
Teaching Method
Provision of the fundamental concepts of statics and practical methodologies for current applications of civil engineering. Analysis and discussion of case studies to promote critical participation and the consolidation of learned skills.
Software used in class
FTOOL, Cypecad, Excell, Word and others