Publication in the Diário da República: Aviso n.º 10753/2023 de 01/06/2023
30 ECTS; 2º Ano, Anual, 30,0 TP + 640,0 E , Cód. 658921.
- Liliana Ramos (2)
- Vera Simões (2)
- Carlos Silva (2)
- Manuel António Anjos Neto de Azevedo (2)
- Mauro Miguel (1)(2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
There are no prerequisites.
To integrate the training of sportspeople into a pedagogical perspective of citizenship and the transmission of fundamental values within the framework of an open and democratic society;
Promote the recognition and appropriate response to each situation, to the moral, ethical, aesthetic, ecological, legal and deontological issues that arise in the exercise of their professional activity;
To confront students with the problems raised by professional practice in the field of sport, promoting the development of the necessary skills and knowledge appropriate to their professional activity.
the necessary skills and knowledge to solve them;
To expose trainees to different sports, allowing them to identify and recognise activities, functions and tasks that they would enjoy personally and, consequently, pursue academically and professionally.
Strengthen competences and attitudes for good professional integration,
with regard to interpersonal relationships, personal availability and
innovative service;
To experience the dynamisation of sporting events in a training and competition context;
Provide accompanied professional experiences;
Providing an exploration of the teaching content/knowledge acquired in the reality of the world of work in the area of sports technology.
Mobilise technological resources to support sports development;
Enable the study and knowledge of the specific forms of organisation and work of entities working in the field of sports training
Enable students to explore and experiment with proposals for professional innovation;
Develop a creative and critical spirit in the solutions proposed.
1. Accompanied professional experience activities, with the development of progressive autonomy, in the scientific and technological field of sports training and competition. 2. Planning, execution, evaluation and interpretation of sports training and competition.
Evaluation Methodology
In addition to the fulfilment of the established number of internship hours (750 total working hours, of which 30 hours of contact and 640 hours of internship), the assessment of the Curricular Unit is carried out continuously by the student-intern through the following activities and tasks:
Individual Internship Plan, IIP (20%) - single document produced at the start of the internship;
Planning, Intervention and Reflection, PIR(60%) - activities and tasks carried out on a weekly basis;
Final Internship Report (20%), FIR - single document produced at the end of the internship;
The final assessment of the course unit is obtained using the following formula,
UC = (IIPx0.20) + (PIRx0.60) + (FIRx0.20),
which must have a minimum mark of 9.50 or more for the student to pass:
Teaching Method
The main teaching method is the daily and weekly experience of the activities and tasks carried out at the host organisation. In addition to this, regular meetings with the academic supervisor are another form of teaching.
Software used in class
The academic supervisor will use Microsoft Office software to prepare and share topics of interest to the students and the Teams Platform (or Zoom/Colibri) to hold weekly meetings with the students on intership.