Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 9920/2021 de 12/11/2021 + Despacho n.º 2436/2023 de 17/02/2023
2 ECTS; 1º Ano, 1º Semestre, 28,0 PL + 14,0 OT , Cód. 601620.
- Ana Isabel Loureiro de Sousa Virgolino Silva (1)(2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable
To collaborate in the definition of the Human Capital Strategy and IT Governance.
To Know and identify various organizational information systems. To identify and select the monitoring indicators of human resources. Understand the new ways of working for the millennials and trends for the future.
Part I - Information Systems for Human Capital - Organizational context.
-The Evolution of organizations and man`s role over time.
-The Organizational paradigms.
Part II - Trends in current management.
-The Human capital; structural capital; relational capital and intellectual capital.
The information systems based in structural capital, as a support to organizational procedures.
-Management Skills and knowledge management.
Part III - Computer Resources; management assessments; metrics; database management.
-Online Recruitment - Database platforms; optimization and process automation.
-Professional social Media - LinkedIn; trends in online recruitment; common mistakes; Rework systems and sharing systems.
- E.R.P platforms (Enterprise Resource Planning) and its integration with applications in Cloud computing applied to human resources and its procedures.
-The Intranet; Custom workflows; digital signature and biometric data on process optimization procedures, for the reduction of administrative tasks.
- Networking ? the scientific concept; the contact networks as enhancer of information and knowledge. Networking and innovation.
-Big Data and algorithms that produce profiles, their applications in external marketing; the service costumer and operational efficiency of procedures. Connectivity in integrated management.
Part IV - Data automation and leadership based on business intelligence.
-A Data analysis to support strategic decisions; trend analysis and results, detection of anomalies and access to relevant data; Identifying needs and priorities; Global business vision.
Evaluation Methodology
I. Continuous Assessment - written test and group work:
a) 1 written test - weighting 65%;
b) Group work (3/4 elements) - weighting 35%;
Information about the theme, structure / form of group work will be made available at Teams.
For all assessment moments, a minimum score of eight is required. The average of the two grades (65% + 35%) must make a minimum of ten values.
2.Final Evaluation - Written exam. For approval at the CU a minimum score of 10 is required.
The evaluation methodology of the U.C. does not include the possibility of oral examination.
- Alturas, B. (2013). Introducao aos Sistemas de informacao Organizacionais. Lisboa: Edicoes Silabo, Lda.
- Cascao, F. (2004). Entre a Gestao de Competencias e a Gestao do Conhecimento. Lisboa: Editora RH
- Silva, M. e Martins, J. (2008). IT Governance - A Gestao da Informatica. Lisboa: Lidel- Edicoes tecnicas, Lda
- Vala, J. e Caetano, A. (2007). Gestao de Recursos Humanos- Contextos, Processos e Tecnicas. Lisboa: Editora RH
Teaching Method
Classes with oral presentation, supported by data show; Prezi; Haiku Deck and video case studies.
Presentation / discussion of cases and class work,
Using Cloud Computing applications; Online platforms, Power BI.
Software used in class
Online Recruitment Platforms; Cloud computing applications