Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 5958/2024 de 27/05/2024
2 ECTS; 2º Ano, 1º Semestre, 28,0 TP , Cód. 60426.
- Edgar Ferreira Enes (1)(2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
There are no formal prerequisites, but in-depth knowledge of management would be useful.
This module aims to provide students with skills to prepare, analyze and evaluate a business project. Develop skills to apply concepts and tools in the various functional areas of a company.
1. Introduction
1.1. General approach to the program
1.2. How to Start a Business Project
1.3. Classification of projects
1.4. Types of investment / projects
2. Implementation of the project
2.1. Company characterization
2.2. Determination of the competitive condition and selection of strategies
2.2.1. Internationalization
2.2.2. Investment selection
2.3. Investment project
2.3.1. Objectives
2.3.2. Planned investment
2.3.3. Phases and timing
3. Economic and financial analysis
3.1. Investment plan
3.2. Operating plan
3.3. Financing plan
3.3.1. Financing source
3.3.2. Short-term financing
3.3.3. Medium / long-term financing
3.3.4. Financial incentives for investment
4. Economic and financial evaluation
4.1. Free means of investment
4.2. Dynamic Analysis Criteria
5. Risk and uncertainty analysis
5.1. Types of scenarios
5.2. real options
6. Structuring, elaboration and presentation of the business project
Evaluation Methodology
Group assessment: business project assessment portfolio (60% of total mark).
Individual assessment: oral presentation (40%)
Final grade: weigthed average of both assessment components. Minimum pass mark: 10/20. 10
- Brilman, J. (2000). As Melhores Práticas de Gestão no Centro do Desempenho. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo
- Cruz, E. (1999). Criar uma Empresa de Sucesso. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo
- Management Institute, P. (2017). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge. Pennsylvania: Project Management Institute
- Ribeiro, P. e Costa, H. (2004). Criação & Gestão de Microempresas & Pequenos Negócios. Lisboa: Lidel-Edições Técnicas
Teaching Method
Theoretical-practical classes in which the basic concepts are presented and discussed, with presentation of case studies that relate theory to practice. Student Business Plans are developed and monitored during term-time.
Software used in class
Word, Excel e Power point.