IPT Logotipo do IPT

Gestão de Recursos Humanos e Comportamento Organizacional

Research Methods for Human Sciences

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Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 1887/2016 - 05/02/2016

5 ECTS; 1º Ano, 1º Semestre, 30,0 T + 30,0 PL + 15,0 OT , Cód. 964002.

- Maria Alexandra Falcão Bento Baptista Vilhena de Carvalho (1)(2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona

Not applicable.

This module aims to provide the students with skills that will allow them to develop research activity in human sciences related issues as a basis for other modules belonging to their programme of study as well for further studies or their future profession.

I - Introduction to Scientific Research
1.1 - Common sense knowledge versus scientific knowledge
1.2 - Problem, question and research objective
1.2.1 - Main steps in formulating the research question
1.2.2 - General properties of the research question and exemplification
II - Research methods and techniques in human sciences
2.1 - Concepts: method and technique
2.2 - Inductive and deductive reasoning
2.3 - Investigator's methodological rules
III - Research strategies
3.1 - Research Hypotheses
3.1.1 – Methodological requirements for research hypotheses
3.1.2 - General properties of investigation and exemplification hypotheses
IV – Variables in research and types of scientific studies
4.1 – Measurement of variables
4.1.1 – Status of variables
4.1.2 --Moderating and mediating variables
4.1.3 – Foreign or parasite variables
4.2 – Types of scientific studies
4.2.1 - Non-experimental studies: Descriptive and Correlational
4.2.2 – Experimental studies
4.2.3 – Quasi-experimental studies
4.2.4 – Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies
V – Bibliographic research
5.1 – Importance of bibliographic research
5.1.1 – Primary, secondary and tertiary sources
5.1.2 – Printed and electronic sources
5.2 – Documentary research
5.2.1 – Files and libraries
5.2.2 – Databases and digital repositories
VI – Construção de instrumentos de recolha de dados
6.1 – Inquérito por questionário
6.1.1 – Construção, base de perguntas, recomendações e tipos de perguntas
6.1.2 – Fiabilidade das respostas
6.2 – Entrevista
6.2.1 – Tipos de entrevista
6.2.2 – Conceção e condução de entrevistas
6.2.3 – Observação participante
VII – Construção da amostra
7.1 – Conceitos
7.2 – Seleção da amostra
7.3 – Métodos e técnicas de amostragem probabilística ou aleatória
7.4 – Métodos e técnicas de amostragem não probabilística ou não aleatória
7.5 – Dimensão, tamanho ou significância da amostra
VIII – Trabalho científico e a normalização
8.1 – Normas APA
8.2 – Estrutura de um trabalho científico

Evaluation Methodology
Continuous assessment: written test (60%) and practical work presented in classes (40%). Students with a grade greater than or equal to 10 points in each of the components are exempt from the exam.
Final assessment: a written test (100%).

- Ghiglione, R. e Matalon, B. (1993). O Inquérito - Teoria e Prática. Oeiras: Celta
- Quivy, R. e Campenhoudt, L. (2008). Manual de Investigação em Ciências Sociais. Lisboa: Gradiva
- Sampieri, R. (2007). Metodologia de Pesquisa. Brasil: McGraw Hill
- Santos Silva, A. e Pinto, J. (2006). Metodologia das Ciências Sociais. Lisboa: Edições Afrontamento

Teaching Method
The curriculum comprises theoretical classes and practical classes where students engage in activities designed to develop the requisite skills for establishing a research plan and the development of critical thinking.

Software used in class
Not applicable.




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