Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 9183/2020 - 25/09/2020
6 ECTS; 1º Ano, 1º Semestre, 45,0 TP , Cód. 300101.
- João Manuel Mourão Patrício (1)(2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable.
1. Know, implement and interpret the solutions obtained by numerical resolution methods of ordinary differential equations;
2. Know and implement numerical methods for the approximate solution of systems of linear equations;
3. Know, implement and interpret the results obtained by applying numerical methods to some types of partial differential equations;
4. Know, implement and interpret the results obtained by applying numerical methods applied to non-linear optimization problems.
1. Ordinary Differential Equations
1.1. Definitions and Terminology;
1.2. 1st Order Differential Equations;
1.3. General solution of a Complete Differential Equation;
1.4. Initial Condition Problems;
1.5. Mathematical Modeling with Differential Equations;
1.6. Some Numerical Methods:
1.6.1. Euler's method;
1.6.2. Taylor methods;
1.6.3. Runge-Kutta methods.
2. Numerical Methods for Systems of Linear Equations
2.1. Direct Methods and Iterative Methods;
2.2. Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel and SOR methods;
2.3. Strictly diagonally dominant matrices and positive definite and semi-definite matrices;
2.4. Conjugate gradient method and Conjugate gradient method with preconditioning;
2.5. Sparse matrices: data structures and algorithms.
3. Partial Differential Equations
3.1. Basic concepts;
3.2. Initial Condition Problems;
3.3. Finite Difference Numerical Methods;
3.4. Application to Elliptical Problems;
3.5. Application to Parabolic Problems;
3.6. Application to Hyperbolic Problems.
4. Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization
4.1. Unconstrained Problems
4.1.1. Newton's method for nonlinear systems;
4.1.2. Local Newton method for minimization problems;
4.1.3. Quasi-Newton Methods;
4.1.4. Computational Aspects.
4.2. Constrained Problems
4.2.1. Lagrange multipliers;
4.2.2. Computational Aspects.
Evaluation Methodology
Both the continuous and final assessment consist of a computational project, prepared individually or in groups, which will have to incorporate a detailed written report and a set of lists of the software produced. The above-mentioned project must also be presented orally.
- Burden, R. e Faires, J. (2010). Numerical Analysis. USA: Brooks-Cole
- Canale, R. e Chapra, S. (2006). Numerical Methods For Engineers. NY: McGraw-Hill
- Heath, M. (2001). Scientific Computing: an Introductory Survey. New York: McGraw-Hill
- Wright, M. e Murray, W. e Gill, P. (2019). Practical Optimization. USA: SIAM
- Zill, D. (1989). A First Course in Differential Equations with Applications. Kent: PWS-Kent Publishing Company
Teaching Method
Theoretical lectures, with presentation and illustration of the proposed subjects. Theoretical-practical lectures in which exercises are proposed and solved.
Software used in class
Matlab/Octave, GAMS.