Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 7904/2013 - 18/06/2013
5 ECTS; 1º Ano, 1º Semestre, 45,0 TP + 3,0 OT + 3,0 O , Cód. 308125.
- Ana Isabel e Sousa do Carmo (1)(2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable
1. Create documents and apply the correct settings for different types of editorial projects.
2. Use as software capabilities to ensure a degree of excellence in the execution of complex editorial projects.
3. Produce print-ready files.
1. Software control and customization:
Preferences, Keyboard Shortcuts and Workspaces
Organization and visualization methods
2. Layout configuration
Presets and templates
Configuration of pages, margins, columns and bleed
Pages panel, Layout menu and Page Tool
Alternative layouts
Master/parent Pages
Numbering, headers and footers
3. Saving and exporting formats
4. Text Formatting:
Text frames
Primary Text Frame option (old Master)
Placeholder text
Text import options
Text Threads, Story Editor and Overset Text
Justification and Hyphenation
Keep Options
Drop Caps
Balance Ragged Lines and optical alignments;
Baseline Grid
Paragraph Rules
Search/replace text
Character and paragraph styles
Nested styles
Map styles
5. Control objects
Format and transform objects
Combine shapes (Compound paths and Pathfinder)
Create paths from text (create outlines)
Object styles
Anchored objects
6. Fill and contour
Stroke properties
Fill properties
Effects: Transparency and Blending modes
7. Images
Import formats (Bitmap vs. Vector)
Links Panel (info)
Linking vs. Embed
Resize and frame images
Captions setup
Clipping Path
Object layer options
Colorize grayscale images
8. Tables
Create and format tables
Transform text into tables and vice versa
Table styles and Cell styles
Images in tables
9. Lists
Format numbered or bulleted lists
Change numbered list options
Define lists
Create running legends for figures and tables
10. Long documents
Creation and management (synchronization) of a Book file
Numbering of Pages, Sections and Chapters
Text variables
Table of contents (TOC);
11.Mockups and artwork
PDF for printing
12. Automatisms
Evaluation Methodology
Approval of the course, in accordance with the provisions of Points 11 and 12 of Article 11 of the Academic Regulations of the IPT Schools.
Assessment by Frequency and Exam results from the following weighting: Artwork and printed mock-up of the book block of a textbook (40%) + Artwork of the cover and book block of a book of text and images (60%).
All students who do not pass the assessment by attendance will be admitted to the exam.
- A, A. (0). Adobe InDesign CC Help. Acedido em 2 de fevereiro de 2018 em
- Gordon, J. e Schwartz, R. e Chavez, C. (2018). Learn Adobe InDesign CC for Print and Digital Media Publication: Adobe Certified Associate Exam Preparation. EUA: Adobe Press
- Kordes Anton, K. e DeJarld, T. (2018). Adobe InDesign CC Classroom in a Book (2019 Release). EUA: Adobe Press
- Kvern, O. (2013). Real World Adobe InDesign CC. Berkeley, USA: Peachpit Press
Teaching Method
1. Lectures and demos supported by datashow.
2. Tutorials including problem solving.
3. Book art-work development.
Software used in class
Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Word