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Conservação e Restauro

Art Theory and Criticism

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Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 9982/2016 - 05/08/2016

5.5 ECTS; 1º Ano, 1º Semestre, 45,0 T + 15,0 TP + 3,0 OT , Cód. 338043.

- Maria Teresa Ribeiro Pereira Desterro (1)(2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona

Not applicable

1.The aim of this subject is to provide students with the resources that would enable them to understand the works of art
1.1.To Know the principals, objectives and limitations of historical-artistic science.
1.2.Understand artistic issues related with each time
2.Acquiring operative tools of analysis and research on the works of art
2.1.Develop the ability to analise historically, aesthetically and iconologically the work of art
2.1.1.Recognize the importance of scientific literature in the analysis of the work of art
2.1.2.Deepen the iconographic and iconological analysis of the artistic object,following Aby Warburg and Erwin Panovsky theories
2.2.To analyze the work of art in a multidisciplinary perspective
3.To organize analytical-descriptive research in a structured way
3.1.To Construct a scientific discourse that appeal to a structured organization of the analytical-descriptive research, properly contextualized.
4.To develop the critical spirit in relation to the artistic production

I-Problematization around the approach to the work of art
1.Epistemological similarities and differences between Aesthetics, Art History, Art Theory and Criticism
1.1.The agents of artistic production: artists, commissioners, patrons, clients
1.2.Artistic creation and aesthetic judgment.
Artistic value and aesthetic value.
1.3.Theories of Art and the role of Art Criticism
2 - Reflections about the discipline of Art History
2.1 Art History: its autonomy, dimension, objectives.
2.2. The agents of discipline: Art Historien and Art Critic
2.3. The current situation of the Art History -Science
2.3.1.Artistic program and the importance of the images
2.3.2. Artistic production as "open work" (Umberto Eco)
2.3.3.Art History as a global science: Micro-Art History; Crypto-Art History and Total Art History
2.3.4.The relationship of Art History with other areas and scientific knowledge
3. Research methods in the discipline of Art History
3.1. Heuristic research and archive research: the sources, their review, organization and treatment
3.2. The bibliographical research
3.3. The analytical observation of the work of art, the main document of the Art History
3.4 The construction of a research work:
3.4.1.Plan, text, notes, organization of attachments. Organization of Historical Fortune, Critical Fortune and Aesthetic Fortune
4.Art History and the revaluation of artistic heritage
4.1. The role of Art History in Conservation and Restoration
4.2. The heritage inventory
4.3. The musealization of works of art
4.4. UNESCO and the major measures to protect cultural and artistic works of art.
II- Artistic Theories and Art Criticism:
its importance
1.Evolution of Artistic Theories over time
1.1. Ethics and Aesthetics in Classical Antiquity: the artistic work in a world of gods and heroes.
1.2. Art and Beauty in Medieval Aesthetics: art at the service of religion.
1.3.The new theory of the western artistic image in the Modern Age: four centuries of a new artistic paradigm.
1.4. Contemporary Theories of Art.
2. Art Critique: origins, limits and function

Evaluation Methodology
* interest, commitment and ability to deliver innovative work proposals (10%)
* attendance, critical self-reflection skills, intervention and discussion of the topics covered in classes (10%)
* research work written and presented orally (80%)

- ARGAN, G. (1988). Arte e Crítica de Arte. Lisboa: Estampa
- BELTING, H. (1989). L'Histoire de l'Art est-elle finie?. Paris: Chambon
- DICKIE, G. (2005). El Círculo del Arte. Una Teoria del Arte. Barcelona: Paidos
- ESQUÍVEL, P. (2007). Teoria e Crítica de Arte em Portugal. Lisboa: Colibri
- OSBORNE, R. e STURGIS, D. e TURNER, N. (2006). Art Theory for beginners. London: ZP

Teaching Method
Theoretical and theoretical-practical classes based on the analysis of works of art and interpretation of texts fostering reflection and constructive debate.
Tutorial support.

Software used in class
Not applicable




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