Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 7571/2019 - 26/08/2019
5 ECTS; 1º Ano, Anual, 42,0 TP , Cód. 818610.
- Fernando Manuel Lino Gonçalves Antunes (2)
- Ana Paula Gerardo Machado (1)(2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable
The aim of this curricular unit is to provide the students with knowledge that allows them to:
identify risk situations
analyze results
evaluate costs
make decisions regarding interventions in buildings and work sites.
Part I
1-General concepts 1.1 Soil Mechanics 1.1.1 - Origin of soils 1.1.2 - Physical and mechanical properties of soils 1.1.3 - Laboratory tests for classification and compaction of soils 1.1.4 - Field tests for control 1.1.5 Groundwater flow and seepage 1.1.6 - Stress / strain relationship in different types of soils 1.1.7 - Compressibility and consolidation of clay strata 1.1.8 - Shear Strength 1.1.9 Earth pressure and retaining Walls 1.1.10 - Methods of soil investigation and testing. Analysis of results 2 - Standardization and Regulation. 3- Applied Geotechnics. Examples of practical cases.
Part II
4 - Foundations 4.1 - Types of shallow and deep foundations. 4.2 - Load capacity 4.3 Settlements 4.4 - Safety criteria: global and partial. 4.5- Earth retaining structures 4.5.1- Constructive processes. 4.5.2-Stability of retaining structures: formulation and calculation. 4.5.3-Brief reference to flexible retaining structures: 4.6 Excavations.
Evaluation Methodology
Continuous assessment. Written test covering theoretical and practical components in all assessment periods. Only students with a final grade of 9.5 or higher and who have obtained in the written test a grade equal to or greater than 40% of the grade in each of the components (Geotechnics (part I) and Foundations (part II)). Each of the parties has a quote for 10 values. The final grade is the sum of the grades obtained in each of the components.
- Coelho, S. (1996). Tecnologia de Fundações. .: E. P. Gustave Eiffel
- Bowles, J. (1988). Foundation Analisys and Design. .: McGraw-Hill
- Matos Fernandes, M. (2016). Mecânica dos Solos- Conceitos e principios fundamentais. (Vol. I). Porto: FEUP
- Ordem dos Engenheiros , . (2004). Geotecnia Recomendações. Lisboa: OE
- Tomlinson, M. (1986). Foundation Design and Construction. .: .
Teaching Method
Presentation and interactive methods are used, supported by written texts and audiovisual resources. Research, analysis, reflection and decision-making are encouraged by proposing themes for debate and problem-solving.
Software used in class
Not applicable