Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 14312/2015 - 02/12/2015
2 ECTS; 3º Ano, 2º Semestre, 30,0 TP + 1,50 OT , Cód. 912350.
- Luís Carlos Duarte dos Reis (1)(2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable.
The aim of this unit is to provide students with knowledge about Ethics in Engineering. It seeks to complement students' education by introducing basic concepts and principles related to the field of Ethics.
Students will understand the ethical, moral, and deontological responsibilities associated with the profession.
This unit will enable students to make ethical decisions, whether as a leader or as a member of workgroups.
Students will apply principles of ethics and deontology in the resolution and analysis of ethical dilemmas, as well as understand the content and importance of a code of ethics in general and professional deontological codes.
1. Introduction to Ethics for Engineers:
1.1. Definition of Ethics;
1.2. Ethics and Morality;
1.3. Professional Ethics;
1.4. Portuguese Association of Business Ethics;
1.5. Technical Ethics Committee;
1.6. International Standardization;
1.7. ISO 26000.
2. Ethical Leadership, Individual Responsibility, and Engineer Virtues:
2.1. The Ten Leadership Lessons;
2.2. Building Trust;
2.3. Groupthink What Leaders Can Do;
2.4. Responsibility of Engineers/Responsibility of the System;
2.5. Codes of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
3. Whistleblowing:
3.1. Introduction;
3.2. The Moral Ambiguity of Whistleblowing.
4. Engineers at a Crossroads:
4.1. Introduction;
4.2. Loyalty to the Company;
4.3. Permissible/Obligatory Whistleblowing;
4.4. Duties;
4.5. Anonymous Whistleblowing;
4.6. Guidelines for Engineers Who Disagree on Ethical Grounds.
5. Morality:
5.1. The Dilemma Triangle;
5.2. Responsibility of the System;
5.3. The Risks of Individual Responsibility;
5.4. Blind Obedience to the Chain of Command;
5.5. Obsession with Meeting Predefined Goals;
5.6. Trust;
5.7. Leadership;
5.8. Loyalty to the Company;
5.9. Moral Objectivism, Moral Subjectivism, and Situational Ethics.
6. Practical Cases:
6.1. Loyalties;
6.2. Property Rights;
6.3. The Economics of 'How Much Are You Willing to Pay?';
6.4. Dishonesty and Honesty;
6.5. Internship;
6.6. When Cooperation Is Penalized.
Evaluation Methodology
Ongoing assessment:
Knowledge assessment will be done through the presentation of a paper on a topic related to the course (80%) and the submission of a written report on the topic (20%).
Normal and Resit Assessment:
Knowledge assessment will be done through a written exam (50%) and the presentation of a paper accompanied by the corresponding report (50%).
- Braga, Rego, J. (2010). Ética para Engenheiros - Desafiando a Síndrome do Vaivém Challenger. (Vol. 2ª). (pp. 216). Lidel: Lidel
- Correia, R. (2023). Ética e Deontologia Preparação para o Exame da OCC. (Vol. 1). (pp. 310). Reis dos Livros: Reis dos Livros
- Mercier, S. (2005). A Ética nas Empresas. (Vol. 1). Afrontamento: Afrontamento
- Oliveira, L. (2024). Responsabilidade Ética e Profissional em Ciência e Engenharia. (Vol. 1). (pp. 260). Lidel: Lidel
- Rego, A. (2010). Ética para engenheiros. LX: Lidel
- Rocha, A. (2010). Ética, Deontologia e Responsabilidade Social, Vida Económica.. (Vol. 1). (pp. 513). Livro: Vida Económica
Teaching Method
The subject matter will be presented in classes using presentations and the expository/interrogative and active method, promoting discussion and reflection on theoretical aspects, while providing practical examples.
Software used in class
Microsoft Teams;